In this material I will explain to you the principle of the influence of asceticism on the spiritual development of a magical practitioner. Let's look a little at what is asceticism and what is not! We will also talk about the importance of self-control and the absence of dependencies. 

I’ll start with a simple thing, I think, that is understandable to many people who strive for spiritual growth and development of a thing, self-control. It is important for us to control ourselves, our emotions, our decisions and our choices! This skill leads to more successful comprehension of magical art and witchcraft. The ability to restrain one’s emotions and impulses is extremely important for a magical practitioner who works with subtle energies and is essentially a conductor of the Higher Powers on Earth.

Remember: NEVER put the wishes of your Ego above the concept of Balance and Justice, do not violate Code, do not try to deceive yourself, other people and the Forces with which you work! 

In 99% cases, all this will be noticed and noted in the intangible world and a kickback will come to you. Also, in particularly difficult cases, when the practitioner does not understand the signals that are sent from the Higher Powers in the form of minor troubles, interruption of cash flows and other unexpected changes in the series of events, which subtly hint to him that the practitioner has taken a wrong turn, the process of a Karmic lesson is launched, and also the consequences! 

It is this process that people uninitiated in magic observe from the side, i.e. when the practitioner receives a "greeting" from the Higher Powers and calls it "a curse for sinful practice of magic" or "God punished". In fact, there is no terrible curse if you do not screw up, do not put a crown on your head, imagining that you are almost a demigod! No! You are a conductor and you have your tasks in this World! And so, if you do not fulfill them or do them incorrectly, there will be consequences! It is important to remember this for everyone who romanticizes magic, witchcraft and sorcery!

Asceticism is a voluntary and conscious refusal by a practitioner to give up something very valuable to him for a set period of time. 

In this sense, a refusal to eat sweets by a person with diabetes, for example, cannot be considered asceticism! Giving up something that you don’t already use for one reason or another is not asceticism, but self-deception! 

Asceticism can only be considered a voluntary renunciation of something that is of value to you. If you like to drink wine from time to time in the company of friends, then giving up alcohol is an asceticism. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and you like it, and you are so used to it, then quitting smoking for a year or more is asceticism. If you love sex and for you it is a way to express your love and a means of communication, then complete celibacy for a certain period is asceticism.

At the same time, if you do not really like to eat meat and rarely and reluctantly eat it under pressure, then refusing to eat meat is not asceticism. If you do not like to leave the house and be in crowded places, then solitude at home will not be ascetic for you, and so on and so forth.

Asceticism is precisely what a practitioner needs for self-control. It’s like a way to prove to yourself and the Higher Powers that your word has weight! This is an expression of your Will! Therefore, if asceticism was established for a specific period, then no one and nothing can force the practitioner to break this word! For example, you decided to give up drinking alcohol in any form for a period of 1 year and postulated this decision, saying that you were taking asceticism. All! Not a single friend, not a single relative, not a single person, not a single event or phenomenon can force you to violate this ban on drinking alcohol!

From my experience I can say that it will not be easy for you! The System, Forces and people will constantly test you for loyalty to your word. You will be invited to alcoholic parties, holidays, and constantly offered alcohol. They will manipulate you, devalue your views and even fear and attack you for your refusal to drink alcohol... You will be considered strange, eccentric, not of this world, perhaps they will even gossip and discuss you! None of this matters!

What is important for you is only your word and Willpower in order to maintain the asceticism in full until the set deadline! This is how your Power grows, including the Power of your Word! Now your Word has weight! Do you remember that the Word, especially in the context of reading conspiracies and spells, is a tool in the hands of a practitioner!

A practitioner CANNOT! be addictive!

In this sense, asceticism also teaches spiritual practice to get rid of dependencies and attachments! This is an important skill that will be useful to you on the path of your magical development! 

The ability to stop in time, the ability to control your impulses, the ability to deny yourself things dear to your heart and your Ego are important for your spiritual growth and development. In this sense, asceticism acts as a tool of self-control for the practitioner.

I wish you good luck on your path of magical development! 

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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