In this material we will talk about one of the important tools in the work of magical practitioners, Atame, as well as knives that can be used as its analogue.
We will tell you how you can replace the Athame if you are new to magic, and how to choose the right magical instrument, “put it into operation” and store it.
Note: Athame, like magic knives, are tools exclusively for rituals and magical work! Their main purpose is to accumulate and store energy, control flows and cut off negativity, as well as other rituals. These knives NEVER!!! are not used in everyday life, especially for cooking!
The athame can be replaced with any other blessed knife made from natural materials, for example, with a black or regular wooden handle, etc.
Where to find an Athame or ritual knife?
The simplest and surest solution would be to purchase an Athame or ritual knife in specialized occult and esoteric stores. But, if you do not have such stores or do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive Atams, handmade by masters and practitioners, then a simple and budget option will suit you; you can buy an ordinary household kitchen knife with a wooden handle in any store. Then you can repaint it black yourself, if you have such a need, and also apply the symbols and magic signs you need to the handle.
Both Atam and its analogue (regular knife) should be purchased by paying a little more than its assigned cost. If this option is difficult, during the purchase you can throw any banknote for donation in the store, “accidentally” drop it unnoticed and or place it on the shelf with the goods, saying:
“For the glory of the Powers and for my service. Paid!
By the way, in some occult stores there is always the opportunity to purchase goods with a similar payment. For example, one of the occult shops in Kyiv uses a pot for voluntary donations for food to the cat who lives there. This option is quite suitable for such purposes.
It is best to purchase an Athame or ritual knife on the Waxing Moon or on the Full Moon, preferably on Tuesday, Mars Day, ideally also at the hour of Mars. By observing planetary correspondences, you can increase the efficiency of this magical tool.
How to prepare a ritual knife for work?
Finding, buying or making a ritual knife to order is half the work. Next you will need to cleanse, sanctify and associate it with yourself as a practitioner. Through ritual, you will need to become, so to speak, the Master of this knife in a symbolic sense.
Before performing the ritual, you can repaint the handle of a wooden knife black or apply special magic symbols, if you have such a task.
You will need a special day for the initiation ritual. Until then, the knife can be stored in a secluded place away from prying eyes.
Ritual of dedication of the knife to magical work
The ritual is recommended to be carried out on the Waxing or Full Moon on the Day (Tuesday) and Hour of Mars. If a given day falls on a magical holiday or an energetically strong day, it’s generally wonderful! I will also say that it is recommended to carry out this ritual after sunset.

Pentagram of elemental correspondences for ritual
You will need a Pentacle or Pentagram, symbols of all 4 elements: candle (Fire), salt (Earth), incense or cleansing herbs (Air) and liquid (Water). You will also need a disinfected needle or scarifier to pierce your finger (the ritual will require your blood from the ring finger of your right hand). As well as a cloth or paper napkin. Remember that in this case the 5th element is your Willpower, your Consciousness of the Practitioner, as well as the words of the conspiracy that you will pronounce.
The athame or ritual knife should be placed in the center of the Pentagram. Next, place the symbols of the elements along the edges of the Pentagram, according to the meanings. Concentrate, gather your Will and realize your intention through a cleansing ritual. Raise your hands above the Pentagram and transfer your Will to the knife.
“I, (name), cleanse this instrument with the Power of my Will, the power of the four elements! May the Spirits and Ancestors of my Family, the Forces with which I work, help me fill you with energy to work for my benefit! Truly!
Next, you take the knife in your hands and consecrate each element clockwise.
Pass the blade over the burning candle, saying:
“By the power of Fire, I sanctify and cleanse you! Let it be so!"
You thrust the blade into the thicket of salt and say:
“With the power of the Earth, I illuminate and cleanse you! Let it be so!"
Place the blade of the knife over the smoking incense or cleansing herbs, saying:
“By the power of Air, I sanctify and cleanse you! Let it be so!"
Dip the blade into a bowl of water, saying:
“With the power of Water, I sanctify and cleanse you! Let it be so!"
Next, take the knife with both hands, raise it above your head and mentally fill it with your Strength, Will and Energy. Give the knife a name, for example, Punisher knife or something like that, depending on your goals. Say:
“With the power of my Mind, I illuminate and purify you! In service to me, I name you (the name of the knife)!”
Next, wipe the remaining salt and water from the blade with a cloth or napkin and place the knife in the center of the Pentagram, with the tip in the corner that corresponds to the 5th element Spirit (see picture).
Next, pierce the ring finger of your right hand with a needle. Lubricate the knife blade with the blood that appears (a couple of drops are enough), saying:
“With this ritual I subjugate you to myself! Serve me faithfully for my good in my affairs! Let it be so! May the Spirits, Ancestors and Forces with whom I work bless you in my service! Let it be!”
How to properly handle a knife?
The first and main rule: this ritual knife is only yours and is used in practice exclusively by you for ritual work!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to let anyone use it, touch the knife, or use it for other purposes! Please remember this. This thing is now connected to you by blood, and, therefore, it should not fall into the wrong hands!
In the ritual you give the knife a name, this is a symbolic action to activate its power and main purpose. Don’t overthink or fantasize; after the ritual, no one or anything moved into the knife, and it did not become a living being. Therefore, there is no need to make an object of worship out of it. Be reasonable. This is now your magical tool and nothing more!
This ritual knife should be stored in a secluded place, with your other magical tools, wrapped in natural fabric (preferably black).
Note: black fabric is used not because it is a ritual of so-called black magic, but because of the properties of black color to not allow energy and information to pass through from the outside. Black color absorbs. This is necessary so that the knife does not come into contact with excess energy and information and nothing more.
Every time after using a knife in rituals, it should be washed with water, and sometimes cleaned with fire, holding candles over the flame!
I wish you successful magical practice!
Best regards, Margarita!
May the force be with us!
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