Palo Santo and its protective properties
The smoke of this incense has not only occult and magical properties to cleanse space and drive out evil spirits, but also...
The smoke of this incense has not only occult and magical properties to cleanse space and drive out evil spirits, but also...
You, our readers, have a great opportunity not only to acquire, so to speak, “general knowledge” in the field of magic and mantle, but also to master a new profession that will benefit both you and your future clients.
The four fundamental elements of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) are the main component of our world.
As for the mantle, and more specifically the deck of Tarot cards, there is also a correspondence with the four elements...
To begin your financial independence, it will not be enough to pray, meditate, plunge yourself into the cash flow, or declare to the Universe your intentions to become rich and happy!
The Sumerians identified five such stars, which were mixed against the background of the others: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A little later, two more “luminaries” were added to this list: the Sun and the Moon.