Beltane (Beltane) is the spring holiday of the Wheel of the Year, when spring turns into summer. It falls on the night of April 30 to May 1.
Note: Walpurgis Night is considered the night of witches, lighting bonfires and holding Sabbaths in the Circle of Power. On this day, many adepts of magical art are initiated into practices at Places of Power.
This holiday is very ancient, pagan. In many Western European countries, this night celebrates a spring festival that dates back to pre-Christian traditions. Therefore, to this day in Christian society the night from April 30 to May 1 is considered a night of rampant evil spirits.
By the way, it was not for nothing that the Bolsheviks in the USSR organized parades and mass demonstrations on Workers’ Day on May 1, and used the energy of the day to program the consciousness of the masses.
What is noteworthy and interesting is that on this very night, according to Mikhail Bulgakov’s writing, Margarita Nikolaevna took part in Woland’s “Ball of the 100 Kings”, having previously undergone initiation on Bald Mountain by the river.
This is the strongest and most powerful day of the year for holding covens and Circles of Power with the participation of seasoned practitioners and beginners. Often on this night (midnight) initiation rituals are carried out at Places of Power, for example, in Kyiv such practices were held on Lysaya Gora (Lysogorsky Fort, Vydubychi).
For practices, covens and initiations, magicians, witches and sorcerers usually choose Places of Power such as temples, cemeteries, ruins of ancient temples, forest crossroads, etc.
A characteristic feature of this night is the lighting of a special ritual fire, the leaving and offering of gifts to the Forces, and the exchange of energy among practitioners.
On this day, the Waning Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius at the age of 22 lunar day, sunrise at 03:05, sunset at 09:48 (Kyiv time).
Length of day 14 hours 42 minutes 09 seconds.
The sun will be in the sign of Taurus, sunrise at 5:33, sunset at 20:17 (Kyiv time).
Beltane in 2024 falls on Tuesday, the day of Mars.
The day of Mars is well suited for magical work aimed at repelling magical attacks, for tough cleansing with return, as well as for attacks.
On the Beltane holiday, it is good to conduct rituals to reunite with the Forces, to support the Higher Forces, to thank the Forces, and to initiate magical practice.
I also remind you that Tuesday Mars Day is a day of working with such deities as Mars, Tyr, Tiv and Lilith.
Plants of the day: holly, snapdragon, thistle.
Tarot cards that correspond to Tuesday: Five of Wands, Six of Wands, Strength.
I wish you successful magical practice and all the best!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
You can leave an offering here:
“For the Glory of the Higher Powers”!