Demons are disembodied astral entities of the lower plane that lead a parasitic existence when interacting with humans.

Important: demons can inhabit the consciousness of a weak person, establish control over the person’s consciousness, after which the “carrier” radically changes his behavior, habits and type of thinking!

Demons are aggressive, deceitful, low-frequency creatures. They feed, destroying the psyche of the person they parasitize. At the same time, a second core appears in the person’s consciousness, which suppresses the will of the person under the demon.

Interesting fact: a possessed person can easily be confused with a mentally ill person.

Psychiatrists who do not recognize the existence of the infernal world usually diagnose all such people with schizophrenia or psychosis, or other personality disorders. But not every mentally ill person is possessed!

The difference is that the possessed are clearly visible. You can't confuse them with anyone! They are felt at the energy level, and also react to protective signs, runic staves and other magical work done at the mental level! Those. if you mentally protect yourself, the demon will react instantly, and the possessed person will begin to behave even more aggressively and rush at you!


A characteristic feature of a possessed person is a bestial look, aggressive behavior (he rushes like an animal), an unnatural voice (something not human) or speech in an unknown language.

In the presence of a person sharing a house, you will experience a sharp surge of adrenaline, and for unknown reasons you will experience primitive fear, very strong, stronger than usual. This is a fonit demon. It is his low-frequency energy that affects your physical body.

Demons are also great liars. They often like to come to weak people on the astral plane or in a dream, supposedly to help, supposedly to conclude a deal or cooperation agreement. They can impersonate deceased relatives, powerful Demons, ancestral Guardians or Helping Spirits, they can even introduce themselves as the Devil himself, Satan, Lucifer. The goal is to enter a person’s consciousness with the second core and begin to destroy him from the inside, feeding on his pain.

These creatures do not have a code, they are not going to fulfill their promises, but they can use human vices and weaknesses.

Possessed people also tend to:

  • Loss of control over consciousness and reality;
  • The presence of alien personalities that seize control;
  • Obsessive thoughts about the need to harm others or yourself;
  • Obsessive thoughts about suicide or killing other people;
  • Throwing yourself at strangers in a public place;
  • Talking to someone invisible on an ongoing basis;
  • Hear voices in your head that give commands, orders, directions;
  • Fanaticism in ideas, political and religious views;
  • To violate rules, rules, social norms of behavior;
  • Lack of conscience, code in words and actions;
  • Anger, negativity, manipulation of others, humiliation of other people;
  • Fear of church paraphernalia, prayers and other highly spiritual religious practices;
  • Lose your temper when a person does not succumb to their attacks and provocations;
  • Inappropriate reaction to protective symbols, amulets and other occult paraphernalia;
  • A complete lack of tolerance, acceptance of other people, desire to understand other people and understanding that the world is diverse;
  • Deceit, hypocrisy, base acts from which the possessed gets high;
  • Rejoice at someone else's misfortune and grief, etc.

Demons on the astral plane

As I said above, the danger is that these creatures can come to any person on the astral plane: in the border zone (the state between sleep and reality, drowsiness), in sleep, during hypnosis, meditation and frustration of consciousness (when a person is immersed in a light hypnosis with open eyes).


To identify a parasite, he is required to show his true appearance by saying three times:

“Take off your disguise!”

Important: this method has a nuance, because you may not like what you see after this phrase, it can be very scary!

A striking example is when your beloved but now deceased relative talks to you in a dream. After this method, it may turn out that you were not talking to a relative at all, but that you were being fooled by a demon in his guise. This is a little unpleasant, you must agree! But on the other hand, you will not allow yourself to be deceived and robbed energetically, and you will not allow the demon to parasitize you.

Lost connection with the demon

Print Hel

The most effective, albeit temporary, method is to apply the runic stave “Seal of Hel”. I have already described this method in the article Mental vampirism, which is in the tab Articles/The magic of relationships.

This technique will allow you to abruptly cut off the communication channel that the demon is trying to build.

Important: from personal experience, some possessed people react extremely aggressively to this runic pattern and try to provoke, humiliate, put psychological pressure on you and make you want to give up.

The best solution for you in such a situation would be to abruptly avoid contact with the possessed person. Move away from him as quickly as possible, move to the side, get off public transport or mix with the crowd. A possessed person can shout at your back, including curses, all sorts of nonsense, run after you, try to catch you or hit you.

Don't get into conflict. Do not try to reason, prove something or shame a possessed person; this will not help. In most cases, the mind of a given person is already suppressed and his consciousness is already ruled by a demon, and the person is just a carcass for moving in the physical world.

If contact occurs on the astral plane, for example, in a dream, then gather all your strength as much as possible and, through an effort of will, leave the astral plane by abruptly awakening.

Take care of yourself and your resources!

May the Force be with you!

Best regards, Margarita!

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