Walpurgis Night is considered the night of the witches...

Walpurgis Night is considered the night of the witches...
This holiday originates from Celtic culture and marks the rebirth of Nature...
This holiday originates from the culture of the Gaelic peoples...
These days of power are most suitable for carrying out magical work...
On this day the cycle is reset, the wheel turns to the beginning of a new cycle and a new countdown begins.
This holiday is closer to us, because our ancestors were Slavic pagans, and modern neo-pagans celebrate it to this day, continuing the traditions of our ancestors.
Practicing witch. Tarot reader. Occult practitioner.
“At one time, I was tired of turning to all these pseudo-practitioners for personal issues who only pump out money and get zero results! Despite all my materialistic views, due to my main profession, I studied magic and the occult on my own. First, to understand how it works. And it works if you do it right! I was able to help myself, solve my issues on my own! That is why I teach other people so that they can help themselves, and not throw money away, turning to the grief of masters who only promote themselves or intimidate people and make money on people’s fears and ignorance.”
AUTHOR OF THE COURSE – MARGARITA TROFIMOVA. Here is the author's course “Runes for Beginners”! This is a system of unique knowledge that I have collected, coming from personal experience and the experience of other practitioners working with Runes as a system. It contains the most valuable knowledge of many...
Paid ritual “Cleaning the premises” (annealing)…
A course of practical magic on the influence of moon phases on the effectiveness of rituals.