With this material from 2024 I beginningYu subsection review of Tarot decks in the Mantika section on our platform Witchcraft Space. Here you can find out details about each deck of Tarot cards that I use in my practice and decide for yourselfI Is it worth it or not to purchase this deck for your work. This material will be useful for tarot readers who already have many years of experience working with cards. The article will also help people who are looking for their first deck.

I remind you that for a more detailed study of the Tarot system, the meaning of each card and layout methods, I advise you to purchase “Practical Tarot course for beginners”, which you can find on this website in the tab Curriculums/Available courses/Tarot for beginners.

You can read about what Tarot is and how to work with this mantika tool in the article Tarotby following the link.

So, what kind of deck is this "Black Tarot"? According to the book that comes with the deck, "Black Tarot" is an author's deck. I quote: "Black Tarot is 78 cards, full of mystery and frightening... These cards will open up a completely different dimension for you, and it is up to you to decide whether to penetrate it or not."

What is the special feature and how can these Tarot cards “scare”? Of course, they cannot scare an experienced practitioner! The special feature of the deck is that it contains rather bloody pictures in black and red tones. This deck is black, i.e. the main message of the pictures is more about black magic actions, darkness and black rituals. For example, even the Major Arcana “Hierophant” in the classics is depicted here as the “High Priest” and symbolizes the black aspect of spirituality, a magical practitioner and the influence of dark energies with the “-” sign.

In my opinion, the deck is very good, so to speak, but it’s not suitable for every scenario. From my experience, I can say that it is best to view all kinds of negativity, negative people, plans of enemies and ill-wishers, as well as dark aspects of personalities in terms of intentions towards the queerent.

What does the complete Black Tarot set consist of?


The set that I purchased for myself in an occult store consisted of a thick and beautiful box. It contained cards, as well as books that went with this set of cards. The card print quality is good. I have been working on this deck since 2018, i.e. more than 5 years and the cards still look normal.

The book "Black Tarot. Instructions for the Cards" on 144 pages was published in Nizhny Novgorod in 2013. Publisher A.G. Moskvichev. This book includes a description of all the cards, as well as the meanings of each card in the deck. And also has a section "Layouts" with examples of 5 large layouts: The Hand of the Devil, Mirror, Squaring the Circle, Crossroads and Three Paths.

The deck itself is similar to the classics, but has its own nuances in the design. It consists of 78 cards, where there are Major and Minor Arcana, as well as Court cards (characters).

The Court cards are depicted here in the same order as in the classics: Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings. The roles of the characters are not changed and the drawing preserves the correspondence of gender, i.e. Kings and Knights are men, Queens are women, Pages are men. The Minor Arcana and Court cards have 4 suits: Cups, Wands, Pentacles and Swords.

I once bought them for 600 hryvnia. Now the price for this deck varies from 350 to 560 hryvnia for a complete set.

Advantages of the deck in work

As I have already said earlier, this deck of Tarot cards is good at drawing out negative aspects of people's subconscious, their "black thoughts", secret desires and intentions. The deck is also good at diagnosing all kinds of magical negativity or other influences on the querent from third parties.

The deck is good at viewing negative situations, as well as all kinds of dangers, which may alternatively be associated with one or another decision.

The deck shows well the psychological aspects of people’s subconscious, their fears and complexes.

Disadvantages of the deck in operation 

From my experience with the Black Tarot, the deck is completely unsuitable for viewing the positive aspects and moments of life. It rarely portends a happy future and causes too many negative associations.

The deck focuses more on the dark and negative aspects, so it is better not to look at questions like “What awaits me in the future?”, “Will I be happy with this or that partner?” etc. The answers will be more about the dangers that the client will face, about the negative aspects of life, etc.

My opinion is that it is also better not to use this deck for advice to a querent. Tips are best viewed on more neutral decks or classics. It is still better to use this deck for its intended purpose, namely the black aspects!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

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