This holiday originates from culture Gaelic peoples and has roots in Gaul culture. This is the first point of a new cycle in the Wheel of the Year, which has begun its movement in a new stage of life’s journey. This holiday is a symbol of the beginning of the awakening of Nature. In our tradition there is an analogue - Maslenitsa. The general meaning is the awakening of Nature from a dead sleep, resurrection and rebirth, the threshold of spring.

Imbolc is dedicated to the goddess Brigid, an important female deity in ancient Ireland, who acted in two forms: the goddess of war, in peacetime - the goddess of poetry, crafts, healing and assistance for women during childbirth.

Note: Brigit was also considered the goddess of courage, choice of goals and direction in life. Accordingly, this holiday, which is dedicated to this female deity, also tells us about some summing up, goal setting and working with female energies in terms of Feminine Power.

Let me also remind you that people turn to Brigitte in the face of an exciting, tense, or conflict situation, with a request to help defend their interests and principles. Accordingly, this day is good for working to remove negativity, protect yourself and your family, as well as your goals and defend your interests. This holiday is celebrated on the night of February 1-2.


From ancient myths and legends we know that Imbolc was also important to the ancient inhabitants of Ireland, as evidenced by such megalithic complexes as Loughcrew Mound and Dumha na nGiall at Tara. On this day, as well as on Saun, the rays of the rising sun illuminate the interior of the mounds.

Among farmers, Imbolc was associated with the onset of lactation in sheep, which meant the imminent birth of lambs. The purpose of a number of rituals of this holiday was to protect future offspring. Sheep's milk was an excellent addition to food supplies that had become depleted over the winter, especially during this period when cows did not give milk. Soft cheeses and butter were made from milk. The process of making butter was a small ritual in itself, and the churn was sometimes dressed up and used as a doll to represent Brigid.

There are two main types of Imbolc rituals. The first was conducted by the entire community in the Circle of Power for practitioners, and the second was held at home with family.

In the Celtic legends about Brigid, the theme of nature dying and returning again in the spring is clearly visible, and also provides a poetic picture of the struggle between Winter and Summer, Good and Evil.

As I said above, in the tradition of our ancestors there was an analogue, the Maslenitsa holiday or farewell to Winter, when people gathered in a circle and ritually opened a portal for the goddess of Death and Winter Marena (Maro), burning a straw effigy in the square and throwing pancakes into the fire. Thus, she left our World, Nature came to life again, and Karachun passed into the state of Veles (the deity of the forest and its inhabitants).

Imbolc is a holiday of the rebirth of Nature (resurrection and revival), i.e. Transformations (13 Arcana Tarot “Death”).

For magical practitioners, this is a powerful day for conducting various kinds of rituals, as well as covens and Circles of Power at Places of Power.


On this day, the Waning Moon will be in the sign of Libra at the age of 21 lunar days, sunrise at 00:09, sunset at 09:52 (Kyiv time).

Length of day 9 hours 15 minutes 42 seconds.

The sun will be in the sign of Aquarius, sunrise at 7:32, sunset at 16:50 (Kyiv time).

The planets will be visible: Jupiter and Uranus.

Imbolc in 2024 falls on Thursday, the day of Jupiter.

Jupiter's Day is well suited for magical work for success and financial well-being, as well as for performing rituals to fulfill what you want.

On the Imbolc holiday, it is good to carry out the so-called aggressively protective rituals, namely, work aimed at rewarding enemies according to their deserts, kickbacks, purges with returns according to Themis (Justice). This is a day to restore the Universal balance.

I also remind you that Thursday is Jupiter Day - a day of working with such deities as Thor, Jupiter, and Zeus.

Plants of this day: honeysuckle, cinquefoil, mint, maple, oak.

Tarot cards that correspond to Thursday: Ten of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles.

I wish you successful magical practice and all the best!

Best regards, Margarita!

May the force be with us!

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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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