This section will help those of you who want to fight negativity and are afraid to take the path of magic, ritualism and witchcraft. For this task, our society has long ago invented completely legal, recognized by official science and working methods, which include psychology! It is here that we will analyze useful techniques for dealing with various kinds of negativity that prevents you from living. I dedicate this material to one of these methods, which I myself have successfully tested on myself and I can say with certainty that the technique works! 

The technique for specific journaling [5] was taken from Tara Schuster's book Buy Yourself a Damn Bouquet: And Other Ways to Get Things Done by Someone Who Did It and was developed by me as a personal method.

A person’s negative state is often caused by increased anxiety and this is the basis of such conditions, according to the explanation of official science.

Anxiety, according to the explanation of electronic encyclopedias [2], is a state of restlessness, a negative emotion that contributes to the anticipation of negative events, a feeling of uncertainty and loss of control over the situation, which causes fear and apprehension.

On my own behalf, I will say that during military operations, natural disasters, quarantines (remember COVID-19) and forced movement to other cities, a background feeling of persistent anxiety is a normal reaction of your psyche to the events that happen around you and your life!

In this material, we will not fight anxiety, which is a functional protective part of your psyche, but calm your mind so that you can live your day normally.

I call my method a dialogue.inner adult" in relation to "to the inner child" [6], which is able to protect, logically explain ongoing processes, analyze and take control over the behavior of the individual.

This process occurs using the technique of writing with a pen those thoughts that bother you in a diary every day, every day. It is while writing with a pen into a notebook, notebook or piece of paper (mechanical action) that your brain completes the process. Everything that you have not expressed, everything that worries you, any unfinished situation or conflict thus has its logical conclusion with a detailed analysis from your adult and rational part of consciousness [6].

Diary keeping algorithm

Date month year.

Dear Diary!

This is what is on my heart today... 

In this part you write down your internal dialogue [1]:

  • everything that worries you now
  • all the thoughts that constantly swarm in your head
  • all your feelings and emotions, etc.

Next, you analyze all your negative internal automatic thoughts [4]. Your task is to re-read what you have written and analyze without emotion what is bothering you.

For such an analysis, conduct an even interview with yourself and answer (write down the answer with a pen in this diary) yourself to a number of questions:

  • Is this person or situation really what I thought it was?
  • Can I change something, if so, what exactly?
  • Am I responsible for the other person's reaction and choice to behave one way or another in a given situation?
  • Are the words and actions of this person really about me, or is it his own childhood trauma that speaks to him, and I act only as a trigger [3]?
  • What are the advantages of this situation for me?
  • What are the disadvantages of this situation for me?
  • What would an adult do in my place?
  • How would a child act and react?

And other questions that you can ask yourself in a situation that worries you.

Important! If you want to take control of your anxiety [2], then you should write this diary in the morning as soon as you wake up every day, without missing a day! Regularity is 100% the success of your practice. It is equally important to write out 3 sheets or more every day, until you run out of anxious thoughts! 

I recommend ending your notes by summing up your own results of this analysis and saying:

"With respect, your adult and rational part of your consciousness!" 


What are the advantages of this technique?

This method, like any other, is not a "magic pill" or a "cure-all"! However, it helps to balance and bring into balance your three main components of personality (parts of consciousness): parent, adult, child [6].

  • The technique helps reduce anxiety.
  • Your chaotic internal dialogue stops.
  • The endless stream of thoughts stops.
  • You feel in control of the situation.
  • You look at the situation from an adult position.

What are the disadvantages of this technique?

Like any technique, this technique has a time frame for action, and it will not protect you from reactions that are caused by your childhood traumas when exposed to triggers that trigger the emotional process of reacting to people or events.

List of used literature:

  1. Wikipedia. Internal dialogue.
  2. Wikipedia. Anxiety.
  3. Wikipedia. Trigger.
  4. Vladimir Stanchishin. Walls in my head. Living with anxiety and depression. Second edition, revised. Kyiv: Vihola, 2023. 55 pp.
  5. Tara Schuster. Buy yourself that damn bouquet: and other ways to get together from the one that succeeded. Kyiv: Yakabu Publishing, 2023. 51 pp.
  6. Eric Bern. People who play games. A game that people play. St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 1992. 17 pp.

Best regards, Margarita!

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