This holiday takes its origins from the Celtic tradition. It symbolized the beginning of autumn and was dedicated to the harvest, fertility, and family well-being.

As I described earlier, in the modern world there are remnants of this pagan tradition, which were transformed into a Christian rite and holiday called “Savior”.

Note: this year Lammas falls on August 1st.

This holiday is the boundary date of the Wheel of the Year between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

What is Lughnosad (Lammas)?

In the tradition of Wicca (in modern times), this holiday is considered to be the time of the appearance into the world of the first “children” of the Goddess and God, who were combined in marriage on Lita. This refers to the fruits of Nature and the Earth: bread, vegetables and fruits. The divine couple in this context acts as a union that brings benefits to people.

Lughnasadh is translated from Old Irish as “Lugh’s wedding.”

According to one legend, it was installed by the god Lugh in honor of his adoptive mother, the goddess Tailtiu, after her death.

Hlaf-maesse from Old English means "feast of the first bread."

That is, this holiday is dedicated to the dates of harvesting, as the wealth that Mother Earth gave to people.


However, if you are completely accurate and carefully study the pagan traditions of different peoples and cultures, you will find that many have a similar date. The name of this day can be completely different, but the general meaning is always the same: collecting the fruits of the earth, harvesting and thanking the Gods of Nature for their generosity.

For the most part, this holiday was celebrated by farmers. And the main symbol of this day is bread in all its manifestations: ears of wheat, pastries, etc. The main ritual food of Lammas is bread, nuts, fruits, vegetables and berries of the new harvest.

Note: In ancient times, only grains of newly ripened cereals were taken for ritual bread.

Occult meaning of Lammas (Lughnasad)

As you already understand, this holiday is a good time to sum up certain results in the lives and destinies of people. Accordingly, the occult meaning of the holiday includes receiving well-deserved awards and paying off debts. On this day, the Universe rewards the well-deserved “fruits” of human activity.

What does it mean? This means that the one who has been creating all this time, conducting energy flows through the process of creation and creativity, claims to receive the deserved results of his activity. Such people can count on receiving certain bonuses in their event series.


At the same time, people who did bad deeds, engaged in destructive magical work, took what belonged to others and parasitized on the life of other more successful people will also receive “their bonuses.” For them, from this time on, the mechanism for working out karmic programs and tasks is launched. For some it will look like a series of returns and boomerangs, and for others it will look like a period of punishment for what they have done. This means that the Universe will teach such people by returning them to situations in which they plunged others. For example, if a practitioner created a successful series of events for himself by putting obstacles in front of his competitor, or by pulling his resources in his favor, then he must prepare to get into a situation where the “chessboard” turns over not in his favor. Now such a person will “be in the shoes” of the one he harmed, even if such a practitioner considers himself absolutely right in the current situation.

This holiday is also associated with thanksgiving to the forces of Nature and the Spirits of Nature for their help and generosity throughout the year. And also with the veneration of Mother Earth, as a life-giving structure and with the Female Power of Fertility, namely the reproductive function. And, of course, the holiday is dedicated to working with Ancestral Systems and strengthening connections within Ancestral Branches.

Features of Lammas (Lughnasada)


On this day, the waxing moon (Full Moon from 17:48) will be in the sign of Aquarius at the age of 14 lunar day, sunrise at 21:12 and sunset at 4:04 (Kiev time).

Length of day 15 hours 17 minutes 02 seconds.

The sun will be in the sign Leo, sunrise at 5:25, sunset at 20:42 (Kyiv time).

The planets will be visible: Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Lammas (Lughnasadh) in 2023 falls on Tuesday, the day of Mars.

Which also indicates that this Lammas is a good time to conduct rituals to resolve conflict situations and rituals for fertility and feminine power. You can also work through negative programs associated with men, especially in Rodu. For example, a woman grew up without a father or her husband left her alone with a child. The clocks of Mars and Venus are good for this.

During the hours of the Sun, rituals for good luck in new beginnings, in the processes of creation and rituals for conceiving children (for those who want, but cannot conceive a child) will work well.

The Moon Hours are suitable for practices to develop femininity, Feminine Power and witchcraft abilities, and connections with Regina Roda. Also during these hours you can cut off negative connections with men and return your energy.

Jupiter's hours are suitable for rituals for success and attracting finances for the implementation of creative projects, as well as opening roads to receive fruits from your investments in new projects.

Rituals associated with the elements of the Earth will work especially well, but do not forget to present gifts to Nature and the Earth on this holiday, as prototypes of the female hypostasis of the process of creation and the embodiment of ideas and energy into the material shell of this world.

I also remind you that Tuesday Mars Day is a day of working with such deities as Mars, Tyr (Tiv), Lilith.

Plants of the day: holly, snapdragon and thistle.

Tarot cards that correspond to Tuesday: Five of Wands, Six of Wands and Strength.

I wish you successful magical practice and all the best!

Best regards, Margarita!

May the force be with us!

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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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