In this material I will present my vision of a Force called Lilith, which is not unknown in “black” magic. Therefore, the information that I will leave here may differ greatly from other Internet sources, legends and myths.

Sigil of Lilith
To begin with, I will remind you, and for those who did not know, I will say that Lilith (according to legends) is the first woman on Earth, whom God created together with Adam. She was his wife, was his equal and was a very beautiful woman.
But Adam wanted power. He wished that Lilith would submit to his Will and serve him. After all, he considered himself a creation similar to God (male), and therefore more worthy, the main one, and he wanted a woman to serve him.
Lilith had a strong character, was very freedom-loving and independent. She was against such innovations, because initially God created them equal (equal rights). Then Adam began to beg the Creator to give him an obedient woman and complain about the rebellious Lilith. God demanded that Lilith submit to the Will of Adam. But Lilith was not happy with this, and she fled from Eden, joining Lucifer’s rebellion. For this God punished her. So Lilith became the first Demon on Earth.

She subsequently became the mother of all Demons and the Queen of Hell, who sits on a stone throne at the right hand of Lucifer.
For Adam, God created an obedient wife from his rib - Eve. Even in the Bible, if you look closely, there is a reminder (after numerous editions) where it first says that God created man and woman. Then it skips (or throws out a whole piece) and describes how God created Adam from the dust of the ground and Eve from Adam’s rib.
In other scriptures, legends and books of ancient times, Lilith is depicted as the Demoness from Jewish mythology, who kills babies and mocks sleeping men. In some myths, Lilith is portrayed as a Succubus who corrupts virgin boys by feeding on their energy.
In magic, Lilith is a symbol of purity and fidelity to one’s beliefs and principles. She is the essence of the dark female hypostasis, the mother of feminism, a symbol of sexuality and female power, as well as self-fidelity.
Magical aspects of working with this Power

Illustration: Lilith and Lucifer
- Planetary influence: Moon and Venus.
- In elemental correspondences – Water.
- Opening hours are midnight (dark hours after sunset).
- Locations: road intersections, forested areas or areas near water bodies, abandoned places or places of mass death.
- Its symbol is the black moon.
Advice for beginners: before you start working with this Power, remember that Lilith is still a hypostasis of Evil and a Demon. Therefore, if you do not want to incur karmic consequences on yourself, weigh the pros and cons a thousand times, and also think about whether your game is worth the candle!
Best regards, Margarita!
May the force be with us!
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