This material will help you better understand what “Love” is and how it differs from psychological dependence and passion. After reading the entire article, you will take a fresh look at such a concept as “Love”, and also learn about what kind of driving Force it is in our World and in Magic, in particular.
In the modern World and in societies super equipped with digital technology, artificial intelligence systems and other benefits of civilization, people for the most part have completely forgotten the true meaning of the word “Love”. Nowadays, a lot is put into this concept, besides its original meaning. For example, you can love money, a person (although often this is a passion), and even smoke a cigarette with coffee in the morning. But all this is very far from the true meaning that lies hidden in the word “Love”.
Note: Many modern psychiatrists consider “Love” or falling in love to be a process that causes certain changes in the human psyche under the influence of hormones and classify this process as a type of sexual attraction, putting the concept of “Passion” into this term. I heard a similar opinion many years ago after an interview I conducted on the topic: “Love spell from the point of view of science” from a psychiatrist of the highest category, sex therapist, narcologist Alexander Ivanov.
And yet, I consider it necessary to disagree with many representatives of official science who are disappointed in this matter in the opinion that “Love” as such does not exist. And to confirm my version in this article, I will consider this concept with maximum comprehensive accuracy so that you can draw your correct conclusions.
Shapes of Love
As a basis, I will take the worldview of the ancient Greeks, who identified four forms of love: philia (φιλία), storge (στοργή), agape (ἀγάπη) and eros (ἔρως).
Philia – represents a harmonious relationship between two people, which is based on mental and spiritual kinship. Closer to the modern concept of this form is friendship. The connection between such people is a deep intimacy without cold calculation or eroticism. That is, there is no element of passion and sexual attraction.
Strictly - attachment. This type of love is similar to parental love, guardianship, patronage. This form of love can also develop from friendship and lacks the element of sexual attraction.
Agape - a form of unconditional pure love. The closest thing to this concept is the vision of “Love” that Jesus brought to people, i.e. Christian love. Sacrificial voluntary love that is given without expecting anything in return. The element of sexual attraction is also absent.
Eros – the original powerful passion, the only form of love that is based on a strong sexual attraction. It is this form that is characterized by the desire to possess the object of one’s desire, jealousy, the desire to remake another person as one’s own or to make a person one’s property, including with the help of magical love spells. Therefore, when people who want to bewitch someone and talk about their immense love for this person look funny. Because their love is physical (sexual) and it is based on basic instinct, and not on spiritual feeling.
I will add that people who know how to experience the first three forms of love will never go for a love spell or other ritual to suppress the Will of another person. And given how popular in the modern World such a service as a love spell, a lapel, the return of a husband or wife (naturally without their desire) and other services of Magicians, Sorcerers and Witches is, then draw your own conclusions - to what extent modern people know how to love and generally know what love is. Alter Ego plus Eros, here we have the desire to subjugate another person, make him convenient, re-educate or bewitch (in fact, make him our slave). Because the effect of a love spell on an object (rabbit) NEVER causes love, it causes dependence and slavery!
“Love” and the primal principle of Fire
In the teachings of Ksenia Menshikova there is such a concept as the Cross of the Elements. In it, the central point in the Circles of Existence is the point at which the Minds of the majority of average ordinary people without abilities are located. There are also the Minds of novice practitioners who have not yet learned to go beyond the concepts postulated in our World.

Cross of the Elements after Ksenia Menshikova.
The concept of “Love” is on the border of the first circle. And this means that, unfortunately, a person who has not developed the Spirit, Soul and occult properties of the Mind is simply not able to experience and know the true meaning of the word “Love”. Such people simply have no experience! This does not mean that such people are bad or wrong, no! Such people are simply body-oriented and perceive “Love” through the concept of sex, i.e. Eros.
At the border of the second circle, you and I see the concept of “Good”. This is, if you want, the next level of development of the Spiritual personality. Only people who have learned what “Love” is outside of the body can know the concept of “Good.” In all other cases, the concept of good, through bodily experience, will be perceived from the position that what is good (beneficial) for me is Good, and what is not is Evil. People of bodily (physical) experience perceive, for example, the collapse of all the foundations of life, dismissal from work, divorce and military actions that forced them to leave home, as a catastrophe and Universal Evil (Injustice). Few people would think that the process of Transformation (13th Major Arcana of the Tarot “Death”) was launched in their lives in order to transfer their Mind to a qualitatively new level, and life does not collapse, only space is freed up for new positive ones. changes. Such people plunge into depression, despondency, suffering, vibrating on low-frequency energies and cannot undergo Transformation and let new things into life. They waste the time they were given to reassess values and raise their Mind to a new level. And accordingly, I myself do not allow anything new into my life, hanging in a state of victimhood.
One of the occult rules sounds like this: “The old personality will die so that a new one will be reborn!” Which means that only through the 13th Arcana “Death” is a new beginning possible. Death is neither Evil nor Good. Death is a mechanism, a door to a new form of existence.
Finally, you and I see the third inner Circle, on the border of which is the concept of "Light". This is the last boundary point that the human Mind can reach in its development on this planet. Further on is the space with egregorial layers, beyond which human consciousness is not destined to go. The concept of "Light" is enlightenment, the ability to live beyond Good and Evil, Tradition and Chaos. Only a few reach here. These are the coolest Magicians, Enlightened Ones and Prophets. "Light" is a light channel of information that only a very strong and pure Mind can perceive without distortion.
Through such a light channel Jesus Christ came, who brought people “Light”, which is “Good”, which is “Love”. And these teachings were greatly distorted by human consciousness, the true essence of which is still not understood by many. And all that humanity has been able to create from this is more than 200 varieties of directions of Christian teachings, each of which interprets its own “correct” version. Well, and of course, also replace idolatry with the worship of the weapon that killed Jesus (the Crucifixion). Sorry Christians. No offense, but Jesus himself did not ask to make God out of himself and worship himself like an idol! He said that he was the Son of his Father, and his disciples called him Ravi (Teacher). By the way, in Islam he is generally considered one of the Prophets, but not God and certainly not the creator of the Universe.
The Primordial Principle of Fire is located outside the third Circle, behind the egregorial layer, in the sphere of the Divine. What is meant here is not Fire itself, as a physical phenomenon (bonfire, flame), but its energy and information component. Fire is a driving force, energy of action, reason, passion, if very roughly translated into universal concepts.
Most of you remember the legend of Prometheus, who is the prototype of the Archangel Lucifer. According to legend, the Supreme God punished Prometheus for giving Fire to people. And we are not talking about a fire or flame here. He gave people a particle of the fundamental principle of Fire from the Third Circle, which gave rise to Reason in people. The same is said in Christian legends about Lucifer, who disobeyed God and became Satan (the enemy). He essentially gave people a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, an apple. After which Adam and Eve knew themselves, Good and Evil, and became like God, i.e. gained Reason, Intellect and Ego (I am). The point is that people, using a particle of the fundamental principle of Fire, were given Reason, with the help of which they can develop and reach the level of God. But for this you need to go through the path of Transformations and know “Love”, “Hate”, “Life” and “Death” at each level; “Good”, “Evil”, “Tradition” and “Freedom”; “Light”, “Darkness”, “Order” and “Chaos” and reach with your consciousness the egregorial layer, at the same time getting out of the control of egregors, of which countless numbers have proliferated on our planet to this day.
On the importance of knowing “Love”
I will not stretch this material over an infinite number of pages. I would like to emphasize once again that for a beginner practitioner and for a person who practices Magic, it is extremely important to have Spiritual development, to develop your Mind, and for this you should start with the knowledge of true “Love”. And, yes, it's hard! Especially when life constantly throws you temptations with which this World is filled.
Let me remind you once again, if anyone has not read my other materials, that my attitude towards leading a promiscuous sex life and frequently changing partners is extremely negative. I believe that this is also harmful from an energetic point of view, plus it affects the magical abilities of the practitioner and the financial channel of women directly. Promiscuous sex is not about love, but precisely about the lack of understanding of what “Love” is.
And no! I do not call for living in the monastic order, as many indignantly thought, or for the tenets of a patriarchal society and the opinion that sex can only happen in marriage. Oh no! The point is that you can only have maximum intimacy (sex) with a chosen person, by mutual consent, and it is advisable that you have this person as one person for as long as possible! It is safe in every sense: physiological, mental, biological, and energetic.
And most importantly, a rapprochement of this kind should occur precisely after you and your partner have developed not only sexual attraction (Eros), but also spiritual, emotional and spiritual intimacy (Philia and Agape). Then you will be able to help each other develop and grow spiritually. Otherwise, if it is built only on passion, or in general it is a one-time relationship (sex without obligations, changing partners) - this will destroy all participants in this action. Such people will degrade, simultaneously psychologically traumatizing each other and nothing more.
I hope this material was interesting and useful to you!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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