Herbs have been used in magic for various purposes since ancient times. They have different purposes and magical properties. Sometimes they are an indispensable tool for fighting evil spirits and all kinds of evil. In this material we will look at one of the most used plants in magic and ritualism - wormwood.
Wormwood (Latin: Artemisia absintium) is a perennial herbaceous subshrub plant of the Asteraceae family. It grows mainly in Europe, Siberia, Central and Western Asia, naturalized in North America. It is found in meadows, fields, forest edges, vegetable garden boundaries, as well as along roads and near houses.
Wormwood has protective properties and can work as a talisman. This is one of the most powerful magical herbs, which is used in cleansing rituals to expel “evil spirits”: entities, larvas, devils, demons, kinne (a type of entity - black snakes), evil spirits (angry spirits, for example, an unfed brownie), ghouls, blackened souls (the dead) and so on. In addition, wormwood enhances extrasensory abilities and has a positive effect on the human body as a whole, restoring the balance between man and nature.
Wormwood is also used as a medicine in folk medicine due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic effects.
In folk medicine, wormwood is used:
- For the treatment of inflammatory conditions and immune disorders
- To improve digestion
- To combat parasites (helminths)
- To destroy pathogenic microbes and fungi
- For the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, allergic rashes), etc.
In magic, wormwood is used:
- For creating potions and infusions
- To create room amulets (witch bags)
- For fumigation of premises (cleaning)
- As an ingredient in various rituals
Note: If for medicinal purposes (for traditional medicine) you can use ordinary wormwood, which is sold in any pharmacy, then such wormwood is not suitable for magical rituals! For magical rituals, the time and place of collection of this plant is important!
First of all, it is extremely important where the wormwood grew before the moment of collection. We are not talking here at all about the environmental indicators of the territory in which the plant grows. In a magical sense, wormwood, which grows in Places of Power, is of great value. (temples, Bald Mountains, fields near holy springs in the territories of abandoned monasteries and churches).
The moment of collecting wormwood is considered equally important. The herb collected on Trinity Sunday, Ivan Kupala (July 6 to 7), Lita (summer solstice July 20-23), as well as on all pagan or Christian holidays has great power.
Note: Herbs collected during the full moon have great power!
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