From ancient Greek "mantika" - the art of divination, as well as the prophetic gift. Since ancient times, people have turned to prophetesses, Pythia and magicians to find out the will of the gods and their destiny, to be able to manage their lives and make them better, more comfortable, happier, to change the negative aspects of their lives, etc.
Modern technological society, which has a lot of conveniences, gadgets, mobile phones and even artificial intelligence, has by no means abandoned the services of mediums, psychics, soothsayers and tarot readers. On the contrary, every year the services of the above-mentioned practitioners become more and more popular and in demand. And mantika itself has long been transformed into the profession of tarot readers, runologists and other practitioners. So, you, our readers, have a great opportunity not only to acquire, so to speak, “general knowledge” in the field of magic and mantle, but also to master a new profession that will benefit both you and your future clients.
For the art of divination (essentially working with the information field), a lot of tools are used in the modern world. Here we will look at the three main most popular mantic tools: tarot cards, runes and a pendulum.
The pendulum is a highly sensitive dowsing instrument in the hands of a practitioner. The term “dowsing” refers to the older concept of “dowsing.”
The pendulum itself is a small load suspended on a thread of approximately 20-30 centimeters. It is often used to determine (+) or (-) energy, as well as “living” or “dead”, to get answers to questions “yes” or “no” and much more.
As an instrument, it is easy to operate, except for the moment of attuning the operator’s consciousness to the operation of the pendulum.
Before work, it is advisable to set it up in the same way as specialists set up a polyphage (lie detector), asking the instrument obvious questions, the answers to which you already know, and observing the reaction of the pendulum itself.
Runes are the main magical alphabet of Northern Europe. The ancient Vikings believed that the supreme god of warriors, the Father of warriors Odin, tore out his left eye and lowered it to the bottom of the Urd spring (as a sacrifice), which fed water to the roots of the world Tree Yggdrasiel, in order to understand the meaning of the runes.
After the adoption of Christianity, they were supplanted by the Latin alphabet from writing in the countries of Northern Europe.
The main distinctive feature of the runic alphabet is the order of the letters in the alphabet, which is conventionally called “fuþark” (futhark). This alphabet was divided into three genera, each of which has 8 runes.
Runes are used not only as a mantic tool for fortune telling (analysis of a situation and fortune telling on a specific issue), they are also used in magic.
There are a great variety of runic stavs (a set of Scandinavian runes that take their roots from the Elder Futhark).
Tarot cards
Tarot cards are a structured system of magical images. Where exactly the cards themselves and the Tarot system came from - there is no clear answer to this day. Some sources indicate that the Tarot system has its roots in Ancient Egypt. At the same time, others argue that the Tarot system was invented shortly before 1450. The Rider-Waite Tarot system is considered classic.
Let me remind you that Arthur Edward Waite was a British writer, mystic, occultist, and Freemason who wrote many authoritative works on occult and esoteric topics.
At the moment, there are a great many varieties of Tarot cards, most of which are based specifically on the Rider-Waite Tarot system. Conventionally, Tarot card decks can be divided into black, light, classic and erotic.
All Tarot cards have a similar structure, namely decks consist of 78 cards, which are divided into 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, including the so-called “Cards of the Court” (Page, Knight, Queen, King). Tarot has 4 suits that correspond to four elements: water, earth, fire and air.
Tarot cards are filled with symbolism and imagery. Each card has both positive and negative aspects of interpretation. For an accurate interpretation, the practitioner should always pay attention to adjacent cards in the layout.
In this material, I very briefly described the three most popular tools of the mantic system for your information. I will say right away that all of the above items are only tools in the hands of the Magician. Only from his (her) experience, existential mass and properties of the mind ALWAYS!!! the result depends. The cleaner your consciousness is, the less it is clogged with unnecessary algorithms, dogmas, prohibitions, fears and psychological attitudes, the easier and better your work will be.
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita.
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