Margarita Trofimova
Practicing witch. Tarot reader. Occult practitioner.
Greetings colleagues, students, practitioners!
I thank everyone for their interest in my work!
I consider it necessary to tell you a little about myself, about my path.
So, let's get to know each other!
I work in traditions: Slavic paganism, village witchcraft, Western ceremonial magic, churchyard witchcraft and work with the World of the Dead, Wiccan tradition, work with Scandinavian runes, cathedral witchcraft, work with ancestral systems.
Religious views: agnostic.
Belonging to egregorial religious systems: baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988, leaving the system in 2008. Since 2010, entry into Slavic paganism. Since 2016, free movement between systems. Since 2018, a full-fledged entrance to the egregor of magic and occult systems.
Special liking: Slavic paganism, cult of the Goddess Makosh.
I belong to a family of hereditary witches on the female side on my father’s side. All women in the family worked with mantic systems and knew how to tell fortunes on cards. On the mother's side, there were healers in the third generation, among women on the male side, but the grandfather and mother did not show themselves as gifts.
I have been working with mantic systems since I was 14 years old. Professionally working with Tarot cards since 2017. Since that time, I have been constantly engaged in self-education, with the help of specifically literature, in the field of magic, esotericism and the occult.
Among the special properties of the mind are: from early childhood, contact with the dead through sleep; premonition and developed intuition; prophetic dreams; work in the flow; clear knowledge.
Originally from the Ukrainian Donbass. For the last 8 years I have been living and practicing at Places of Power in Kyiv.
In 2018, at Beltane, she took part in the Mass on Bald Mountain in Kyiv in a circle of the strongest practitioners and psychics in Ukraine.
In the world: professional photographer and television cameraman, journalist. Higher education. Family status: Married. I have been officially working in the media for the last 11 years.
Life credo: if you want something done well, do it yourself!
Code in magical practice: present.
Attitude towards the LGBT+ community: tolerant.
Attitude towards representatives of other religions and cults: tolerant.
There is a personal dislike for the Russian Orthodox Church as a slavish system of religious views.
Attitude towards representatives of different cultures and ethnic groups: tolerant.
Worldview: balance between the scientific approach and occult thinking (balance of opinions), search for the rational grain in everything.

My history
“At one time, I was tired of turning to all these pseudo-practitioners for personal issues who only pump out money and get zero results! Despite all my materialistic views, due to my main profession, I studied magic and the occult on my own. First, to understand how it works. And it works if you do it right! I was able to help myself, solve my issues on my own! That is why I teach other people so that they can help themselves, and not throw money away, turning to the grief of masters who only promote themselves or intimidate people and make money on people’s fears and ignorance.”
My mission
“I don’t divide magic into black and white. I am for Universal balance and Justice! I do not do and do not teach people to do dirty and destructive work for other people. I am against the use of rituals aimed at suppressing the Will of other people: love spells, bindings, slave collars, etc. At the same time, I am against forgiveness! Most rituals for removing other people's destructive magical works always include an element of backlash and billing. For in the pagan understanding, Justice is the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I never attack first and dissuade others from these actions. But God forbid someone from attacking me! This is my inner witch code."

The power of life. Practice. Practice working with runes and rune cards. Areas of application of runic knowledge and metaphorical cards.

Practical MAGIC
Basic knowledge training. Transfer of many years of practical experience.