In this material I will tell you in more detail about such a mantika tool as a pendulum. Let's touch on the topic of how to choose it and how to work with it correctly.

From my experience, I will say that the pendulum is a less effective mantic tool in terms of the fact that it is not recommended to be used for predictions and viewing the future. Few people talk about this, but it is better to work with a pendulum in the here and now mode.

The pendulum is a highly sensitive dowsing instrument in the hands of a practitioner. The term “dowsing” refers to the older concept of “dowsing.”

Simply put, a pendulum in the hands of a practitioner works on the principle of descending and descending vibrational flows. A person who stands on the ground is a mechanism through which these vibrations pass. Holding a pendulum in your hands, you turn into a fixed point zero, from which “+” and “-” are measured.

Let me remind you that the pendulum itself, as an instrument, is a small load suspended on a thread of approximately 20-30 centimeters. The materials must be natural: metal, stone, crystal, etc. Metal conducts energy best, but stones are also good at working.

It is better to either buy a pendulum in a special store or make it yourself.

The most important point in working with a pendulum is the attunement of the operator (practice) with the pendulum.

Before work, it is advisable to set it up in the same way as specialists set up a polyphage (lie detector), asking the instrument obvious questions, the answers to which you already know, and observing the reaction of the pendulum itself.

If you see that the instrument is lying, it is better to cancel the practice or change the instrument to another pendulum.

Let me emphasize that an equally important point is the position of your hand. She shouldn't move. There is no need to swing the pendulum on purpose. It is better to fix the hand in a stationary position.

Working with a pendulum always begins with fixing the hand and tool in a stationary position!

The pendulum should start rotating on its own!

What is the best way to start practicing with a pendulum?

With a pendulum, it is better to start practicing with simple things; after tuning and preparing the instrument, you can gradually conduct small experiments at home, observing its work.

·        Hold the pendulum over the candle flame.

At the same time, try to concentrate and set a task for the instrument, saying: “Show me what kind of energy this is?!”

·        Hold the pendulum over a container of water.

Here and in other cases, the procedure is the same; you set the instrument the task of showing what kind of energy it is. And watch the movements of the pendulum, where it rotates, how it behaves. All this should be remembered.

·        Hold the pendulum over the container with salt.

·        Turn on some music, maybe for meditation, and bring a pendulum.

These simple exercises will help you understand how this tool works.

The second stage of working with the pendulum

It can also be done at home. You can memorize, try to feel the instrument. While working, relax your mind. The meaning of the initial practices is very simple: you constantly set the task for the pendulum to show you what kind of energy it is and watch the instrument.

At the second stage, the task can be complicated, for example, by working from a photo. And here you can use the principle: “Show me, is this a living person or a dead one?” or “Is this person sick or healthy?” In this case, you should use photos of those people, information about whom you already know. That is, you must know for certain that at the moment the person in the photo over whom you are holding the pendulum is alive or dead, sick or healthy. This way you gain practice, which will be useful to you in the future.

The third stage of working with the pendulum

At this stage, you can take the pendulum with you and test its operation in nature near reservoirs, near reservoirs, in a cemetery, near temples in other places of interest to you and see how the instrument works, how it reads energy from places and space.

Here no one limits the flight of your imagination. The main thing is to take your time and perform the above practices slowly and gradually. You shouldn't do everything in one day. Give yourself time to master this tool. Always concentrate on your feelings, on your intuition.

Over time, when you feel that you are ready, you can try to work with a pendulum at a professional level. My only advice to you is that in the first stages of working with other people or with certain places, use some other system for backup, for example, Tarot cards to double-check and obtain additional information about a person or place.

A few words about the movement of the pendulum

In my practice, I use two main pendulum movements:

·        Clockwise: “yes”, “truth”, energy “+”, lively.

·        Counterclock-wise: “no”, “lie”, energy “-”, dead.

Sometimes the pendulum may tremble in place or swing back and forth. I don't usually consider this to be the correct operation of the tool. But in the course of your practices you can develop your own meaning mechanism by observing it using the exercises listed above.

Good luck in your endeavors!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

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