In this article you will find instructions and recommendations for meditation, and you can also download an audio file in .mp3.

I remind you that the maximum effect is achieved after listening to a meditation track daily for 21 days.

Before listening to the track, I advise you to read the recommendations and warnings.

This meditation is designed to help you stabilize your inner state and strengthen your mental health.

I do not recommend listening to this meditation for people with psychiatric diagnoses, in a state of acute psychosis, or while driving a car or working with equipment that requires increased concentration of your attention! I also do not recommend listening to this meditation during an air raid in Ukraine or during shelling! This may not be safe for your health and life!

I advise you to listen to this meditation while relaxing, preferably before bed, when you are relaxed and no one is bothering you, when you can allow yourself not to be distracted by other processes.


Why doesn't the ritual work?

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