This section will contain original meditations of various directions. This material is for informational purposes and in it we will understand the concept itself, the methodology of working with meditation and touch on the effectiveness of this method of working with the subconscious.

Meditation from the Latin “meditation” is an exercise using mixed practices (spiritual, religious, psychological, etc.), which are accompanied by an auditory or audiovisual series (sounds, videos, contemplation techniques).

The essence of these exercises is to bring your subconscious to a certain level of development and understanding, fill you with new energy, relieve you of tunnel thinking and negative emotions, programs and attitudes.

Later in the tab Articles/Meditations I will gradually post unique original meditations for various purposes and topics in audio format.

Important: stay tuned to the website for updates!

Each new meditation will come with instructions and recommendations, which will be described in the text part before the embedded audio file. For greater effectiveness, I advise you to listen to your chosen meditation in the evening, when there are no distractions. The maximum effect is achieved after listening to a meditation track daily for 21 days in a row. For your convenience, the file can be downloaded to your device.

Important: content with meditations is available absolutely free, so it will have an advertising Disclaimer of our resource at the beginning and end of the file!

I emphasize once again that updates on the site occur in random order and do not have a clear time frame, so check the tab periodically Articles/Meditationsso as not to miss new unique tracks. New meditations will appear on the website in the above tab immediately after they are posted.

Best regards, Margarita!

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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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