In this material we will talk about those same notorious energy vampires, negative people and brawlers who penetrate you at the mental level, steal your energy, strength, time and health, and also influence your series of events.
Very often, these people are sick on a physical or energetic level, and for their own survival they use the energy of other people, stealing it through inducing the “victim” into emotions.
Note: legends about vampires only partially contain information about these creatures. For example, vampires “drink human blood” in the figurative sense of the expression. These creatures rather drink the life energy of their “victim” through connection channels on the mental level.
Vampires can be people of any age and gender, any nationality and religion. They are weak and cannot independently replenish the balance in their body at the energy and mental level. Often such people are prone to mental and psychological illnesses and may be psychopaths from birth.
How to recognize a vampire and what are they?
- These people love to suffer and seek sympathy from others, but they do not solve their problems, no matter how hard you try to help them. They just steal your time and attention. The psychotype of such vampires "The Great Mourner". After communicating with them, you always feel overwhelmed, tired, and apathetic. You also feel that all the juice has been sucked out of you, sometimes you even start to get sick or you start having a streak of failures in life.
- These people strive, under any pretext, even out of nowhere, to create a scandal and drag you into it, simultaneously making you guilty. The psychotype of such vampires "Tyrant, dominant, brawler". The peculiarity of this type is that conflicts are regular, with most people, and anyone is always to blame, but not the vampire himself. After communicating with them, you have a feeling of guilt, resentment, anger, irritation, as well as a desire to “wave your fists after the fight.” You replay the negative in your thoughts over and over again, the conflict in your head, at this moment you feed these vampires. In this way, life energy is drained from you, throwing you into a loop of negative emotions. After communicating with such people, you are upset, depressed, irritated and empty.
- These people like to put you in an uncomfortable position, in a position of choice without choice, or to decide for you. The psychotype of such vampires "Blackmailer, manipulator". They put pressure on your traumas; weak points can be manipulated by guilt, debt or family obligations. After communicating with such people, you develop a feeling of inferiority, your complexes worsen and a feeling of guilt appears.
- These people steal your time, diverting your attention to themselves in any way, taking you away from your goals and your plans. The psychotype of such vampires "Chatterbox, idle talker". They tend to call at any time convenient for them. And always “this is important” and always “this is for a couple of minutes”, and then they take away hours of your life with empty talk about nothing. In this case, the vampire will speak, and you will not be allowed to get a word in. You will be made to have free ears and you will feel like you are in a role without a paid psychologist. Then you will not feel very good, as if a piece of your life was stolen from you.
- These people love “sharp jokes” about you, because you can’t joke about them in that way, they are immediately offended. Their jokes are always offensive. The goal is to hook you and get you emotional. Then they convince you that it is you who have no sense of humor, although this is not true. The psychotype of such vampires "Evil Jester". They say they are being “sarcasm.” And, no, it doesn’t seem to you, they precisely want to offend you, this is the purpose and method of receiving energy from you. After communicating with him, you feel “spit on”, you are unpleasant and offended.
- These people always make you feel extreme. The psychotype of such vampires "Eternal Sacrifice". They purposefully bring you to the boiling point, and then pretend to be an innocent victim. The message is always this: the vampire is good, you are bad, there are no options. In their arsenal, they often use gaslighting towards the victim. After communicating with such people, you feel empty, feel like a complete fool, and lose touch with reality.
- These people drain your energy through conflict by bringing you to the boiling point with stupid questions, the answer to which is obvious. The psychotype of such vampires "Nerd". These people, as they say, "play dumb". They wear you down until you get angry, and then ask why you are angry. After communicating with them, you feel morally tired and exhausted.
The list above shows the main groups of mental vampires that feed on your energy. Sometimes vampires use a hybrid type of influence on the victim. They can combine manifestations of several psychotypes.
How not to lose your energy when contacting vampires?
The task is not an easy one, because these people are very skillful and skilled in their “craft” of squeezing strength, energy and time out of the victim. First, you should abstract yourself as much as possible when communicating with a vampire, put up a mental block, a filter, a wall. You should not identify, not experience emotions, although this is not easy! Ideally, you need to distance yourself from the vampire as much as possible and reduce communication to a minimum, or better yet, stop it altogether.
But there are times when distancing is impossible. For example, a vampire is your husband or wife, relative, employer or work colleague. Then use protective techniques, set up a barrier and protect yourself so as not to lose energy.
Note: a hungry vampire reacts extremely aggressively to defensive techniques, gets angry, rages, makes scandals, blames the victim and can even throw himself at her.
Therefore, protect yourself as much as possible and be prepared to intensify aggressive attacks, because you do not let the vampire eat you.
Simple techniques for protecting yourself from vampires
- Imagine between yourself and the vampire a strong barrier, wall or mirror, with its reflective surface directed at your opponent.
- Mentally put a glass flask on yourself and imagine that its walls become mirrored and reflect the vampire.
- Place the glass flask on the vampire, and imagine that the walls inside become a mirror and are directed at the vampire, limiting and squeezing him.

Seal of Hel
- Mentally place a circle of fire either around yourself or around the vampire and how the fire rises upward, preventing the vampire's suckers from connecting to you.
- Imagine a fiery sword in your hands and slash it between yourself and the vampires, cutting off all the suckers that he connected to you.
- To any attack from a vampire, in a whisper or to yourself, respond with the phrase: "ego reflecto" [Ego RaflEcto!] and so on until he leaves you.
- For especially difficult cases, use a runic stave "The Seal of Hel", the meaning of which is: “No! Final!"
What is the "Seal of Hel"?

Scandinavian mistress of the world of the dead Hel
The Hel Seal is a runic stave consisting of 2 Elder Futhark runes “Perth” and “Isa”.
This runic symbol is the seal of the Scandinavian mistress of the world of the dead Helheim - Hel. It means “No! Final!
I advise you to use it in extreme cases and against people who are not close to you or those whom you would like to get rid of. Because this one, having become, breaks all ties. Of course, he won’t kill a person, but he can “kill a relationship” with a person by breaking all ties between you.
To use, imagine the seal blazing with fire, enlarge it in size and mentally throw it at your opponent. There are 3 options: either in the area of the 3rd eye between the eyebrows on the forehead, or on the mouth, or on the heart chakra, in the heart area. Look at the situation.
After use, it is advisable to leave an offering to the goddess Hel in gratitude for her help. Either in the forest under an old withered tree, or in a cemetery under an old withered tree. As an offering, you can use a bouquet of fresh flowers, or roses.
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!"