In this material, we will look at such a destructive magical program as trouble. Looking ahead, I will say that the main function of such a program is to, unnoticed by a person, instill in him alien information, passing it off as the person’s own thoughts and beliefs.
The presence of such a program sometimes explains the inappropriate behavior of a person who is under the influence of confusion or confusion, as well as a fanatical commitment to ideas and judgments that were previously alien to this object of influence. In especially severe cases, people under the cloud may not see obvious things and truths, make mentally imposed decisions, radically change their attitude towards this or that person (“+” or “-”), or fall into deep depression and become immersed in burdensome thoughts.
Many of you have heard the expression: “I’ll avert my eyes!” Usually gypsies or people who know how to use mental magical techniques can say this. This means a mental programming construct specially instilled in the target of influence, which makes him, for example, believe that the gypsy woman disappeared into thin air, turned into fog, or flew away like a bird after she took the N-th amount of money from the target’s wallet. It’s sort of a hybrid of gypsy hypnosis and throwing a program of confusion over the mind of a person who has just been robbed. In the real world, the gypsy did not go far, and passers-by from the side can watch with surprise the picture of how the man himself gave his hard-earned money to the gypsy, froze and plunged into a stupor, and stood rooted to the spot.
And the mechanism is simple, because our brain shapes our reality. By influencing the human mind, the gypsy created a fake reality and the person is immersed in it. In the physical world, nothing has changed, the man stands still, but his mind was thrown into the plane of the mental structure and, roughly speaking, with his consciousness he was transported to another world where there is no gypsy.
If one of the passers-by intervenes and starts tugging at the person’s arms and explaining to him what is happening, then the person may come back and realize that he is being robbed. Or after a while, a person comes out of this state and it seems to him that the gypsy woman has really disappeared into thin air, plus legends about strong gypsy magic will convince him that the gypsy witch has cast a spell. Meanwhile, there was no smell of witchcraft there, the person was simply fooled.
I gave here this simple and understandable example not because all gypsies are bad, among them there are also many worthy people and strong magical practitioners who work according to the code. I cited it because for people far from magic, such an example will be as clear and understandable as possible. After all, many of you have seen something similar, especially those who remember the dashing nineties and 2000s, when such gypsies could easily be found at any city station, market or in the center where a lot of people walk.
How to protect yourself from exposure?
In this part of the article I will tell you a universal mechanism on how to overcome any impact of a violent mental nature. The method given below can be used in any unclear situation. For example, when you suspect that you are being manipulated, they are trying to talk you into something, or they are trying to push you into something by force.
Very effective and powerful technique "I am" was given in the public domain by one of the most famous occult masters in the post-Soviet space, Ksenia Menshikova. I’ll say right away that the equipment is not mine, but it works, I checked it. The essence of this technique is that when you feel influenced, or suspect that you will now be influenced, you should turn on the flow to return and strengthen your personality. You begin to monotonously and tirelessly repeat the same verbal structure, like a mantra (you can hear it, you can mentally) and concentrate on yourself. This phrase goes like this:
“I am only who I am, and not someone else!”
In this way, you concentrate on your consciousness and do not allow yourself to be fooled; your consciousness is busy maintaining your reality and does not allow it to influence you on a mental level. At the same time, you do not listen to anyone, are not distracted by anything, do not react, but simply repeat this phrase until you move to a safe distance or until they leave you behind.
I will also say on my own behalf, because there have been cases when I have encountered attempts to “tell fortunes” and instill in me something from the same characters, who are either gypsies or pretending to be the latter (this also happens). (If only there were a real gypsy witch, she would see who she approaches and who she speaks to).
You sharply put the palm of your left hand in front of you (on your straight outstretched arm) and say just one word: "No!", and then leave abruptly, without turning around, without listening to what they are shouting after you, without reacting, as quickly as possible into a crowded place to blend in with the crowd. I’ll tell you a secret, it’s very difficult to influence in a crowd, there is a lot of different energy from other people and this makes it difficult to concentrate on one object of influence. For greater efficiency, you can also use the technique "I am"described above.

Sigil of Baphomet
For those who want to try their luck (but I don’t recommend it!), you can use the technique of a psychological attack ahead of the curve in case of contact with “gypsies”. When you see that the character is heading towards you, enter the role, put on the image of a seasoned witch or sorcerer. You should act in such a way that the suitable “gypsy” does not have time to open her mouth. And from the pusher give out what is in the key:
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Here is a message for you from my friends who are standing behind me. They say your time has passed. So get ready! Soon the Reapers will come to you! Go and repent before it’s too late! You don’t have much time left!”
For greater fidelity, it is better to have some kind of “magic thing” with you, such as the satanic Sigil of Baphomet (an inverted pentagram), with which you can perform pseudo-magical manipulations with a meaningful expression on your face. But you run the risk of running into a practicing gypsy and then they will hit you energetically. Therefore, it is better not to use this method unless you are convinced that the person standing in front of you is not a charlatan, a manipulator, or an ordinary scammer.
What types of effects are there?
The example with the gypsy woman was one of many variants of manifestations of such a program as trouble. There are a great many varieties of troubles or confusion, as well as techniques for inducing them, rituals and traditions in which they are carried out.
There are several categories of troubleshooting:
- Direct, in contact with a person using manipulation and hypnotic techniques (as in the case of the gypsy);
- Not direct, when the program is installed remotely using slander on the victim’s photo, underlays, whispers and other things.
There are also many areas of influence of the hassle (specific task).
- To establish one’s will, influence the expression of will (including mechanisms for political processing of the electorate and population);
- For a person to see something, or vice versa not to notice (for example, to go somewhere unnoticed or to the will of the judges in order to win a trial);
- Love sphere, love magic (with love spells, so that the object sees the other person more beautiful or with love spells, so that the partner’s flaws are highlighted, which are not there);
- Financial, so that the object does not notice how it is underpaid or how its own employees steal from the owner;
- Personal, with curses, the program increases the negative impact on the object of influence (for example, so that people turn away, or so that the person himself does not believe in his own strength and is visited by negative and sometimes suicidal thoughts). The so-called “disguise” or “self-destruction”.
- A separate category of troubles about one’s personality. For example, a woman reads a joke so that all men see her as a beauty, which she is not. Or a dishonest magical practitioner makes a mess so that his clients see him as a super specialist, which he is not, etc.
In all of the above options, there is an impact on the human mind so that he perceives reality incorrectly (distorted). Therefore, only the person himself can overcome this influence with the help of his Will. And you can diagnose if you ask yourself questions:
- Are these my thoughts?
- Is this idea really close to me or is it a foreign influence?
- Am I sure I think so?
- Is this really my true desire?
- Are these exactly my conclusions?
- Do I really like the way I live?
- Do I really like to do this or am I being manipulated?
And if you feel that something is wrong here, that these thoughts, someone else’s Will seem to be instilled in you, forced to act, that somewhere deep down in your soul you don’t think so, that this is the influence of television, public opinion, egregor, specific person, then it is better to try to free yourself from such a program.
A good method of pumping the mind through technology algorithms "I am", and you can also do a light magical cleaning with candles or the same casting with wax, and then track your condition. If after the purges your beliefs change, then you are in trouble and it is very beneficial for someone that you think one way or another, act one way or another. Then take a closer look at your surroundings and think about who has the maximum benefit from your judgments, thoughts and actions.
Take care of your mind and your personal space!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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