This holiday originates from Celtic culture and marks the rebirth of Nature. In fact, this holiday is something between Easter and Maslenitsa in the modern world. The meaning of this holiday is the final resurrection of Nature from Dead Sleep and the transition to the process of growth and revival in the plant world, the launch of the processes of growth and development. In the Wheel of the Year, this is one of the four main reference points of the Spring Solstice.
Ostara is the spring holiday of the Wheel of the Year, the middle of spring, a holiday of balance, when the day is equal in length to the night. It falls on the spring equinox, which runs from March 20 to 21.
Note: The name Ostara comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem root Heus-/Aus-, meaning radiance. Also, the name of the Ostara holiday comes from the name of the Teutonic (Celtic) Goddess Eostre (Ostara).
This day, as a holiday, has long been revered in many cultures. The night from March 20 to 21 is a pagan holiday, a holiday for admirers of Wicca, i.e. witchcraft
It is believed that during Ostara, all boundaries and differences disappear, and short-term balance is achieved and equilibrium is established. And first of all, it is balanced: Day and Night, Good and Evil, Decay and Growth, Life and Death, Male and Female energies, Intuition and Reason, Action and Inaction, etc.
What is Ostara?
It was not customary for the ancient Celts to celebrate the vernal equinox; this tradition took root only after the conquest of Britain by Germanic tribes in the 5th-6th centuries. And the name “Ostara” was first mentioned in the 1840s by the German philologist and folklorist Jacob Grimm.
Esotericists Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry call the day of the vernal equinox the main Sabbath of pagan witches. This holiday is dedicated to rebirth, renewal, resurrection and establishing balance in the physical and spiritual worlds.
Starting from the Ostara holiday, daylight hours begin to increase and the vitality of Nature increases. Therefore, on this holiday it is good to carry out rituals designed to establish balance, and subsequently contribute to the growth and development of both the powers of the practitioner and his personal growth and development in the universal understanding.
You can meet Ostara in Nature, away from the bustle of modern cities.
For magical practitioners, this is a powerful day for conducting various kinds of rituals, as well as covens and Circles of Power at Places of Power.
Features of Ostara in 2024
On this day, the Waxing Moon will be in the sign Leo at the age of 10 lunar day, sunrise at 12:47, sunset at 5:07 (Kyiv time).
Length of day 12 hours 11 minutes 17 seconds.
The sun will be in the sign of Aries, sunrise at 5:58, sunset at 18:11 (Kyiv time).
Ostara in 2024 falls on Wednesday, the day of Mercury.
Mercury Day is well suited for magical work aimed at the trade and financial sphere, as well as the sphere of establishing communications and connections.
On the Ostara holiday, it is good to conduct rituals to restore harmony, balance and justice, rituals aimed at spiritual growth and the development of magical abilities.
I also remind you that Wednesday is Mercury Day - a day of working with deities such as Mercury, Hermes, Odin, Wotan and Athena.
Plants of this day: fern, lavender, lily of the valley, aspen.
Tarot cards that correspond to Wednesday: Wheel of Fortune, Eight of Pentacles, Magician.
I wish you successful magical practice and all the best!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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