In this material I will describe one of the most effective methods of wax casting to remove the magical negativity that has been cast on you. This method is one of the safest for beginner practitioners, as well as for people who have just come to magic and have virtually no experience or knowledge. In addition, if you don’t know for sure whether you have a negative attitude or not, the casting itself will show you this.

Important: the method refers to the Christian egregor. Therefore, for people who left it or did not interact at all (representatives of other religions), this method will not suit you!

For the most effective effect when performing this ritual, strictly follow the instructions and tips that I will leave in this article.

Who can perform the casting ritual?

This ritual can be performed by any person who has a clear intention to carry out the work and faith in the result. Regardless of whether you have a magical initiation, or you are an ordinary person who is looking for a way to help yourself, you can use this cleansing.

An important point is the presence of a connection to the Christian egregor. Simply put, you do not have to be an orthodox Christian and a regular parishioner of any temple, but you must be baptized.

Important: you should not take a blessing from the priests to carry out this work!

Firstly, you will not be blessed by telling a tale about sin and serving the “devil”, although this is not the case. Secondly, this ritual is not canonical for the church; it is a magical work involving connection to the Christian egregor. Thirdly, the church ministers will not understand you, and they also extremely dislike competition and initiative! Remember this.

Important: you shouldn’t repent during confession later either!

Firstly, it’s stupid to do something and then renounce, for this you may be punished by the Higher Powers! Secondly, you did not do anything for which you should ask God for forgiveness, you only used knowledge to help yourself! Thirdly, Jesus also healed people and for this he was accused of having an affair with Beelzebub by the servants of the temples, by the way, because they could not stand the competition. The Bible says this if you read and think about it carefully. Remember this too!

If you decide to carry out this ritual, feel free to carry it out. But I remind you, follow the instructions below.

The most appropriate moment for the ritual

This ritual is best performed during daylight hours, before sunset. It can be done on any day, but it will have the greatest effect on Sunday or any church holiday, especially Maundy Thursday.

Preparing for the ritual

Three days before the casting, I advise you to undergo asceticism (voluntary fasting). You should not eat living creatures, i.e. meat, fish, etc. Eat a plant-based diet instead, it will clear your mind.

Buy church candles (you can have the smallest ones) in any temple, church that belongs to the Christian egregor. You can take extra candles at your discretion; for casting you will need only 7. Be sure to leave a donation in the temple, any amount that you can afford to donate to this temple or church.

Buy candles in person! There is no need to entrust this to anyone!

Important: we buy candles in churches or on the territory of churches and monasteries!

Candles bought at the market, on the Internet or from a gypsy, etc. don't fit here!

Write out in advance, or better yet, learn the words of the prayers that I will give below.

If you cast yourself, you should take a full-length photo of you alone against a neutral background, maybe against a wall, so that there are no unnecessary objects or other people or animals there. Arms and legs should not be crossed, stand straight, look into the frame. Glasses should also be removed so your eyes can be seen. The photo will need to be printed on paper. The same goes for photos of other people you plan to clean with casting without them being present.

Important: you don’t need to clean up people who didn’t ask for it and didn’t give you their personal consent to carry out this work!

Firstly, this is a violation of personal boundaries and “doing good” that you were not asked to do. Secondly, you have no idea whether a person deserves what is happening to him, maybe this is his lesson, by interfering you risk dragging all the negativity onto yourself! Thirdly, this is an imbalance of the Universe and the Higher Powers!

Required tools:

  • 7 church candles;
  • photo or personal presence of the person being cleaned;
  • ritual knife;
  • glass bowl;
  • clean water (from the tap);
  • salt;
  • a Turk or container in which you will melt the wax;
  • an iron cup with water or a saucepan for a steam bath, in which you place a Turk with wax for gradual melting;
  • gloves (can be medical);
  • paper to wrap the work;
  • an ordinary bag, a used bag (for working off);
  • the plate on which you will melt the wax;
  • a table or place where the person being cast will sit;
  • small change.

Important: objects for the ritual: a knife, a water bowl, a Turk must be exclusively ritual and not used in everyday life!

I stage of casting wax on church candles

Before starting work, read a prayer "Our Father" 3 times. According to Christian custom, be baptized at the end.

Words of prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

may your kingdom come,

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

just as we leave to our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever and ever. Amen."

Place the photo on the table where the ritual will be performed. Place the prepared 7 church candles on top. Say:

“I associate these 7 candles with 7 cups, with 7 clouds and bodies (name). Let the wax, consecrated, absorb all the information about this person. Let him show me through the casting what was done to him! Amen."

If you are cleaning a person, let him warm this wax in his hands while you speak the words.

Next, take these 7 candles and a ritual knife, go to the stove, where you heat water in a container, where you will lower the Turk with wax. Carefully take each candle and cut off the wax so as not to tear the wick. Take it off and put it in the Turk. You should end up with small pieces that you will pull off the candle wick. The wick (thread) should remain in your hands. We won't use it. Say:

“I don’t break and cut off a candle, I collect sacred wax! Show me what was done to (name)! Amen."

Important: the thread of the wick should not break if you do everything carefully, but if it breaks, it is a sign of breaking through a certain chakra!

In this case, you still remove the wax and put the thread aside.

When you have collected wax from all 7 candles in the Turk. Place the Turk in water in a container that was heated on your stove so that it gradually melts in a water bath. Twist the wicks into a ball and set them aside. Read on wax 3 times the prayer “May God rise again”.

Words of prayer:

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and straightened the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

In this case, you need to baptize the Turk with wax, and not yourself when you read.

While the wax is melting. Take a glass bowl. Pour a whisper of regular kitchen salt (not iodized) in a cross on the bottom, saying:

“Mother, salt, you are the salt of the Earth! Absorb all the negativity that is contained in the casting! Amen."

Pour water into this bowl. If you cast yourself, whisper into the water so that your words send waves across the water:

“Mother, water, you are a structure that absorbs all information. Absorb everything, carry it out and show what was done (name)! Amen."

If you are casting another person, have them breathe into the water three times while you read the words.

Place this cup in a photograph on the table if you are casting yourself or a person remotely, or if you are giving it into the hands of the person you are casting. During the casting, he must hold it firmly with his hands above his head, 5-10 centimeters above the top of the head.

Carefully take the Turk with the melted wax. Follow safety precautions to avoid burning yourself or another person.

If you are casting yourself, breathe into the melted wax three times and say:

“Sacred wax, absorb all the information from my breath and show me what was done to (name). Amen."

If you cast another person, let him breathe three times while you say the words.

Next, slowly, in a small stream, pour the wax into the center of the bowl of water that is in the photo or that the person is holding above his head. You can also read it if you wish. "Our Father".

Leave the bowl until the casting hardens in the water. You can take the cup from the person and put it on the table. On the outer surface, an inconspicuous pattern may appear, even a plot can be cast, about who did what. Or it might just freeze.

In the water, all sorts of growths and abstract forts may appear. You wait for the wax to completely harden so that you can pull it out, turn it over and see what’s inside the casting.

When the wax has hardened. You put on gloves, take a knife, if the wax is stuck to the edges of the bowl, carefully pry it off and lift the casting so as not to damage it. Look what was cast. Normally, the surface should be smooth and clean with minimal build-up and without any shapes. This is a sign of a good biofield and the absence of negativity.

But if nodules, growths, twists are cast through the center of the casting along the chakra column, and God forbid there are any devils there, this is bad. This is a sign of magical work.

If the casting has holes on the surface, then this is also a sign of a strong breakdown in the human energy field.

I'll tell you a case from practice. I had a casting on which necrobinding and graveyard witchcraft were cast. It looked like a bunch of knots through all the chakras (growths such as knots), as well as a tie along the lower chakras, which led to the grave, which was directly visible on the bottom of the casting. The grave was clearly visible. A terrible thing, I want to say.

For such cases, one casting will not be enough. There will be a complex of works required, plus periodic repetition of this ritual until it is cleaned off, and this will take more than one month.

In all other cases, such a ritual can be performed once a month no more often. So that the field has time to recover and energy flows properly.

If the casting is practically clean and it is clear that the human field is smooth, without breaks or flaws, then the second stage of casting is not necessary.

II stage of casting wax on church candles

At the second stage, you take the casting that you have, take the Turk and return to the stove again. Tear the wax into small pieces and smooth it into a turk, with the words:

“I’m not breaking and tearing wax, I’m breaking and destroying someone else’s magical work! I’m taking everything off (name)! I return the evil to those who caused it! In fairness! Let it be so! Amen."

Place the pot with wax in the steam bath again so that the wax melts. While the wax is melting, read again 3 times the prayer “May God rise again”.

When the wax is completely melted, repeat the casting procedure with the only difference that this time you will cast through the sharp blade of a ritual knife to cut off the negative. Hold the knife over the same bowl of water. Pour a small stream onto the knife blade so that it flows into a bowl of water. Say when you pour:

“I cut off and cut off from (name) all the magical negativity, everything that was done and sent! I’m taking off everything that was moved and stolen! Return to where it came from, to the one who sent, ordered and fulfilled it! Let it be so! Amen!"

Again, wait for the casting to harden. If you are interested, you can look at the casting later, but don’t expect any special signs, the drawing will rather be abstract.

What to do with the casting, where to put the waste?

You have already completed most of the ritual. Now you just have to get rid of the waste, which is this casting and everything that you no longer need.

You wrap the casting in paper, clean off the remaining wax from the ritual knife there and place a ball of wicks. You put all this in a bag and take it to the trash heap, a trash can or, for rural conditions, to a latrine where no one goes and bury it there.

You follow the rules: don’t turn around and don’t talk to anyone, even if passers-by catch you. Which is also a sign. As I wrote earlier, these are prototypes of those people who did negative things to you.

When throwing it in the trash or burying it in the ground, say:

“Go back to where it came from! Whoever sent it took it back! Let it be so! Amen."

You turn around and throw the change over your left shoulder, with your left hand, saying: "Paid!" And go home silently.

Water from the bowl can be flushed into the toilet and flushed with the same words. Wash all equipment with running water. You can wash your hands with salt and say:

“I won’t give up what’s mine! I won't take someone else's! Amen."

How to protect yourself after casting?

For greater effect after this cleaning, you can read Psalm 90: “Living in the help of the Most High”.

Words of prayer:

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God.

Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.

Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of traps and from rebellious words,

His blanket will cover you, and under His wing you will hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days,

from the things that pass away in darkness, from the cloak, and the midday demon.

Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come near you,

Otherwise, look into your eyes and see the reward of sinners.

For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.

No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body,

as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.

They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone,

tread on the asp and basilisk and cross the lion and the serpent.

For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name.

He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will take him away and glorify him,

with the length of days I will fulfill him and show him My salvation. Amen."

Closing the ritual work 3 times after reading the prayer "Our Father".

Additional protection against repeated attacks

In the coming days, if possible, visit a temple or church, preferably one where there is Icon of the Holy Martyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina. Put a candle there for yourself and your loved ones and say a prayer to them 3 times.

Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justino

Words of prayer:

“Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justino! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died your temporary life as a martyr for Christ, yet you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord to teach us and to patiently bear your cross to help us. This boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mothers was acquired by nature. In the same way, even now, you will be prayer workers and intercessors for us unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of the fortress, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and in the future Of course, and forever and ever. Amen."

You can watch the candle burn. Make sure that no one comes up, extinguishes, rearranges or takes away your candle until it burns out at least a large part, almost to the cinder.

Important Details

As I said earlier, your ill-wishers will instantly feel that the work has been removed, that there has been a backlash. Therefore, be careful!

Do not give in to provocations like:

  • they ask you for something urgently;
  • they are coming to you urgently to contact you;
  • they want to borrow money or something else;
  • they want to give you something;
  • they call and are silent on the phone;
  • write from unknown accounts;
  • they hate under leftist accounts on social networks, etc.

Under no circumstances should you respond to these provocations! After all, these individuals need to renew contact with you and will connect to you again to create new negativity.

Remember: the ones who will be most active and emotional towards you will be those who themselves caused negativity or ordered work from practitioners!

Of course, after all, the people were hit back, a boomerang flew in and they were rewarded for their deeds!

Do not contact such people. Don't make their life easier. And also, I will forgive you very much, forget completely about such a phenomenon as gracious forgiveness! Although the ritual was carried out according to a Christian egregor. But there is no need to forgive anyone here! By forgiving, you simplify the process of working off debts to these people! Do you need it?! You didn’t cleanse yourself so that people would constantly bring negativity to you, right?!

May the Force be with you!

Best regards, Margarita.

You can leave an offering here:

"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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