This ritual is suitable as an emergency remedy when you feel that something has gone wrong, your health has sharply deteriorated, a “dark streak” of failures has begun, conflicts with loved ones out of nowhere, minor financial losses, etc.

The ritual is more suitable for removing the evil eye, blackness, confusion, quarrels and other minor work.

Note: This ritual is not suitable for removing severe damage, necro-bindings and curses, it is better to consult a specialist!

Who can perform ritual work?

To perform this ritual, no special magical initiation is required. The ritual can be performed by any person interested in a positive result (cleaning).

The presence of a magical gift, contracts with certain Spirits and Deities is also not mandatory here.

The important point is to tune in with the elements, especially the element of fire, the desire to be purified and FAITH in a positive outcome after this ritual!

The most appropriate moment for the ritual

This ritual can be performed, of course, at any time, especially if the situation is emergency. BUT! It will work best on the waning Moon (like all cleansings) on Monday (Moon Day), Wednesday (Mercury Day) and Saturday (Saturn Day).

The most appropriate time for the ritual is after sunset. For greater effectiveness, it can be carried out in the Hours of: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn.

To determine the planetary hour, you will need a special application on your phone that displays the planetary hours online. If you don't have one, rely on your own intuition.

Preparing for the ritual

Turn off your mobile phone and social networks so that your ritual is not interrupted, because if there is something to cleanse, they will definitely try. Before the ritual, open a window, vent or door and leave it open. Put something on the floor (a rag, newspaper, etc., because the candle will drip). Prepare fumigating mixtures (for example, wormwood), or incense, or Palo Santo. Remove belts (anything that restricts you) and let your hair down (for women). Observe safety precautions if you cleanse yourself, so as not to set your hair on fire!

Take 1 WAX candle (you can use an ordinary church candle; it’s universal) in accordance with the goals and objectives of the annealing ritual itself:

  • Red, if we are talking about a quarrel in a relationship;
  • Green, if we are talking about financial losses;
  • Black, if we are talking about negativity, blackness, evil eyes, etc.

Hold it in your hands, warm it, concentrate on yourself. Take a couple of deep breaths, mentally filling this candle with your energy and your Will. Call on your Ancestral System for help, in your own words ask for the support of your Ancestors.

Annealing Ritual

Next, light the candle with matches. Stand not far from an open door or window, or window, facing them, but so that the draft does not blow out the candle. Start cleaning by drawing a counterclockwise circle above your head and go down to the bottom (move the candle horizontally around your body). If you are cleaning yourself, pass the candle from hand to hand, it’s more convenient.

It is important not to bring the candle too close to the body; the distance from the body to the candle should be approximately 10 cm.

Pay special attention to the area of the head (level of the “third eye”), heart, solar plexus, and 2 cm below the navel.

Do as many times as your intuition tells you. Pay attention to your condition. Your hands may become numb, tremors may begin, or you may have a strong desire to stop the ritual. This is a sign that the program is resisting. You should complete the annealing. Don't be afraid of anything!

During annealing, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“I anneal myself (name) with fire! I burn out all the negativity from myself (name)! I burn with the power of sacred fire: evil eyes, troubles, blackness, stealers! I remove from myself (name) human envy! I'm cleaning myself! I'm removing all the negativity! I'm sending a return strike! From whom it came, to whom it went! Whoever brought it will take it! Let it be so!"

The word "yourself" is used in the spell only when you are cleaning yourself. In all other cases, there is no need to pronounce it!

Say it once for each circle. You can do 3 circles for greater efficiency.

When you finish annealing, leave the candle to burn out until the end (put it either in a candlestick or in a glass with salt).

Note: during annealing or after it, the candle you cleaned with may “cry”, smoke, “shoot”, worse if it goes out on its own (a sign of damage and graveyard work, so contact a specialist)! It can also fall from the candlestick itself. So remember fire safety precautions! Keep an eye on it so as not to set your home on fire.

Where to put the “working off” (remaining wax)?

When the candle burns out, namely, goes out on its own, you collect the remaining wax, including amorphous pieces that will fall off the candle (this is a sign that the ritual has started and there was a negative effect), in a plastic bag, you can use it. It is advisable to do this not with bare hands, but with a ritual knife or gloves. Take the package to a landfill (a garbage can is suitable in urban living conditions) with a payment. You can take with you an odd number of silver coins that are in use in your country (for example, 3 coins of 1 metal hryvnia) and silently go to the landfill. It is advisable that no one bothers you.

Pay attention if someone is stubbornly hanging around a trash can or landfill or standing nearby and not leaving, preventing you from completing your work. The gender and age of these people indirectly hints at those who caused negativity.

Throw the waste into the trash can (open the bag and pour it in, throw away the bag too) with the words:

“Go back to where it came from! Let it be so!"

Turn around. Throw the change over your left shoulder with the words: "Paid!" and leave, silently without turning around and without talking to anyone until you return to your home.

Important Details

When you return home, wash your face with tap water, wash your hands (maybe with salt) and rinse ritual instruments with water: a knife, if there was one, and a candlestick. Then you can talk if you want and go about your business. Of course, you can turn on your phone, but I don’t recommend making contact on this day. From practice, I will say that immediately after the ritual people appear who “very urgently” need to communicate with you right now. Pay attention to the details! After all, the ritual has been launched, the reverse has begun, and those who caused negativity will begin to feel it on an unconscious level, even if it was not a practitioner, but a person unconsciously eyeing you or envying you.

If possible, immediately put up protection for yourself, perhaps a runic one. Also fumigate the room with cleansing herbal mixtures, incense or Palo Santo. Leave it to air out, then close the vent, door or window.

It is also important in the next 3 days after this ritual not to give anything to anyone, especially to borrow money, not to provide services to annoyingly asking people, and especially not to contact suspects, if any.

If during this period people accidentally come up to you on the street and ask for a donation, give it as an additional payment from your left hand with the words (you can whisper): “Let the hand of the giver never fail! The cleansing ritual has been paid for! Let it be!”  You don’t need to submit it yourself!

Also, pay close attention to your surroundings throughout the week. The Higher Powers will show you (if you don’t know) who harmed you. At a minimum, everything that they did to you will happen to these people!

May the Force be with you!

Best regards, Margarita.

You can leave an offering here:

"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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