In this material I will tell you about the dangers of borrowing money, as well as how it affects your financial channel and ability to earn money. We will also touch on the topic of why it is better to return the money you borrowed from other people as quickly as possible.

Important: loans from financial institutions, namely loans and mortgages, are especially harmful!

The ability to take out a loan is a seemingly convenient function in the modern world. But! The money will have to be repaid with interest, and in any case you will lose both material wealth and monetary energy. When you take out money on credit or take out a mortgage, you automatically plunge yourself into a debt hole. So you put on the so-called debtor's stamp.

From an esoteric point of view, at the moment you have received benefits that are not due to you according to the series of events. Accordingly, you borrowed to change your sequence of events. And you will change it. The only question is, is it for the better for you?!

Initially, it will seem to you that everything is fine. That there is nothing wrong with taking out a loan. That this is all superstition and prejudice. But then you will begin to notice how financial difficulties begin, how money leaks into nowhere, unnecessary expenses that you did not count on and something goes wrong, as if you have been jinxed. But no! You were not stared at and everything is going according to universal justice.

How it works?

When you take out a loan from a financial organization, which is an integral part of a large financial system and a monetary egregor, you also declare to the Universe: “I can afford more!”

But being at a certain point in your life path and development, in fact, you objectively cannot afford more. You now have “free money resource”. The needs have increased accordingly. But you are not ready for big expenses. Because this is not money you earned, but money you borrowed.

debtor's stamp

You have a break in the financial channel that you created for yourself by taking out a loan. This breakdown will draw from you the cash flow to which you are entitled at this point in development. This always works out negatively.

Advice: If you want to afford more, then it is better to build a goal, ways to achieve it, and increase your financial resources. Save money for what you want to afford and only when it is your personal savings, purchase what you originally wanted to take out a loan for.

Yes, it is long, exhausting and not particularly pleasant, because life is short and you want to live today. But think about what you are losing by getting what you are not entitled to yet! And how it changes your life later. Is it worth it?!

I'm not saying that the scheme of all credit institutions is equally good for the one who issues loans. These organizations always receive more than they give. This is their “bread” activity and a way to earn benefits for themselves at your expense, by the way!

Why shouldn't you borrow money from other people?

Even in the most rosy scenario, if you borrow from a very good person who won’t even demand the debt (will forgive) and is happy to help you in difficult times, you again put it on yourself debtor's stamp, and this is how we found out the breakdown in the money channel.

That person can be so kind and good that he forgot to think about you and what you owe him. But! From the point of view of universal justice, you have upset the balance. It’s as if you “robbed” that person. Although, I’m sure it wasn’t even in your thoughts, but the Universe considers this process exactly this way: you took something that was not yours, something that was not yours. The result will be the same as in the history of loans and mortgages. You will start to lose. On top of that, you owe money energy to a certain person. Therefore, your income will decrease, and the one who gave you money will increase in terms of money. And so on until you pay off the debt. That is, without repaying the debt, you continue to provide another person with your financial benefits, without knowing it.

Important: this only works if you contact the person and ask for a loan! It’s a loan, I’ll pay it back later with words. If a person himself gave you money for a holiday or from the bottom of his heart... Because your situation seemed to him such that he could afford to help you free of charge for himself. Then there is no debt here and you do not upset the balance! After all, it was the personal initiative of that person.

But we looked at this rather as an exception to the rule, a portrait of a very pure and good person. There is another option. When you borrowed from a person who did not want to give you this money! Not only will they constantly remind you of the debt, ask when you will repay the debt, how soon you will return the money, and this will not be a very pleasant feeling. Additionally, and believe me it will be, you will be punched at the energy level.

money breakdown

The one to whom you owe will go and remember you “with not an evil, quiet word.” He will be angry with you, release negativity in your direction, think bad thoughts about you and unconsciously wish you harm. And in this version, just you will get to debtor's stamp a small and not very pleasant bonus in the form light evil eye, and if the person is also a practitioner (and you may not know about it), then you risk receiving a bunch of magical negativity. Believe me, there are a lot of rituals, not the brightest ones, to extract debt from debtors. Plus, you will again give your cash flows to such a person until you repay the debt. He will, roughly speaking, “vampire” you financially. Do you need it? I think it is highly doubtful that you will be pleased with such a prospect.

The best option for preserving your cash flows

Try never to borrow or lend money to anyone, or take out loans or mortgages unless absolutely necessary. Try to structure your life so that your personal funds are enough for your needs and there is money left over just in case of emergency, then, in fact, you won’t have to take out a loan.

Think about it, borrowing from yourself is much more pleasant than begging for money from someone, and you can give it back to yourself at any time convenient for you.

If life has turned out in such a way that you urgently need money here and now and this is already a matter of survival, then, of course, take either a loan or a loan. But remember that this is an extremely unprofitable event for you, first of all.

Stability and financial benefits to you!

May the Force be with you!

Best regards, Margarita!

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