Many of you have heard that in order to successfully perform a ritual, it is necessary to carry out work on a certain day of the week. In village witchcraft there is even such a concept as “male” and “female” days. In this article I will briefly explain what this means. Also, many of you here will be able to discover such a concept as "planetary magic".

It is known that in ancient times it was believed that the planets played a very important role in human life. In modern magical practice, the magic of the planets is often used to make amulets and talismans. Also, taking into account the dominance of a particular planet over the day and hour of work, an appropriate ritual is selected (the work is performed). Also one of the most important areas in "planetary magic" is considered to be working with various spiritual entities.

In ancient times, there was such a thing as “wandering stars.”

For example, the Sumerians identified five such stars, which were mixed against the background of the rest: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter And Saturn. A little later, two more “luminaries” were added to this list: Sun And Moon.

Each ritual you perform has its own purpose, and accordingly must be performed on the day ruled by the planet.

PlanetThe goals of magical works that are tied to the day and hour of the planets
SunCareer success, establishing harmony, healing, improving overall health, developing leadership skills, acquiring money, promotion, and strengthening willpower.
MoonDevelopment of clairvoyance and mantic skills, ensuring safety during childbirth, mastering the art of casting spells and illusions, protection when traveling on water.
MarsThe ability to control anger and aggression, gain courage, increase energy and passion, increase sexual desire and potency.
MercurySuccess in business, improving communication skills, acquiring knowledge, strengthening memory, success in diplomatic negotiations and exams, developing mantic skills, gaining influence over other people, protection when traveling by land and by air, success in learning music.
JupiterCareer success, developing healthy ambition and enthusiasm, improving well-being and health in general, gaining honors, developing a sense of humor, success in legal affairs and in relations with government organizations, developing leadership skills, attracting good luck.
VenusIncreasing attractiveness, acquiring beauty, fertility or love, enhancing sensuality, developing creativity, strengthening friendships, gaining self-confidence.
SaturnDoing duty, maintaining balance, preparing for exams, dispelling illusions, protecting the home, success in legal matters, developing patience and self-discipline, working with the world of the dead.

Each of the seven days of the week is associated with one of the seven planets (5 “wandering stars” and 2 “luminaries”).

As strange as it may sound to you, in magical correspondence the week is read from the Day of the Sun (Resurrection), and not as we are used to seeing in everyday life.

Please also note that some English versions of the names of the days of the week more accurately describe the properties of each day and their relationship to the ruling planet.

Correspondence of the day of the week to the ruling planet:

  • Sunday – Day of the Sun (lat. “planet” – Solis);
  • Monday – Day of the Moon (Latin: “planet” – Luna);
  • Tuesday – Mars Day (lat. planet – Mars);
  • Wednesday (Wednesday) – Mercury Day (lat. planet – Mercurius);
  • Thursday – Jupiter Day (Latin: planet – Luppiter);
  • Friday – Day of Venus (lat. planet – Venus);
  • Saturday – Day of Saturn (lat. planet – Saturnia).

In addition to “planetary days,” there is also the concept of “planetary hours.”

I will not delve into this topic in this material, I will only say that the modern world of technology allows you to easily calculate them without complex calculations. To do this, you just need to download a high-quality application to your mobile phone, which in real time will display you the “planetary clock” and the correspondence to the planetary days.

As for the concepts of “men’s” and “women’s” day, everything is extremely simple. For convenience, it is customary to roughly divide the week into such days. This came more from the village tradition and, so to speak, the popular understanding of the processes of magic.

You understand that the conventional “grandmother” in the village who rolls out eggs has no idea what “planetary magic” is.

People have noticed in the course of their practice that on certain days certain rituals work more effectively, plus the Moon and Venus, by definition, are considered managers of feminine energies, and for example, the Sun and Mars – masculine ones.

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita.

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