This happens quite often, especially among novice practitioners, that the ritual (as it seems to you) does not work and at such moments there is a temptation to become disillusioned with magic as such. In this material, we will analyze the main reasons why the ritual does not work.
Let's start with the banal things. If you took a ritual from some public website or magic forum (especially without detailed instructions for execution, where there is only the text of the conspiracy), it is quite natural that it may either not work for you or not work as you originally expected.
To successfully carry out ritual work, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:
- In what tradition is the ritual performed?
- What Powers or Gods do you interact with?
- Are purchases, ransoms and donations required?
- Who compiled the ritual, what kind of practitioner is it?
- Your own state of Consciousness during ritual work (you should have no doubts about what you are doing)?
- Are you in the resource when you perform the ritual, have there been any attacks on you or attempts to block your magical abilities?
- Forget about expecting quick results! After performing the ritual, you need to let go and stop anxiously waiting for it to work!
- And most importantly, do you have the right to make changes to reality with the help of your ritual, because if not, then the Higher Powers will not allow your ritual to take effect (especially when it comes to suppressing the will of others or influencing other people)!
I’ll say a few words about the fact that the absence of visible signs does not always indicate that the ritual did not work. Sometimes, for the energetic development of magical work, it is necessary for a sufficient amount of time to pass for the formation of a new line of events. And sometimes you are simply not satisfied with the result obtained, but this does not mean that your ritual did not work!
We wish everyone success and blessings!
Best regards, Margarita!
May the force be with us!
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