This material does not condemn multiple sexual contacts, but only explains the negative aspects of the influence of sexual relationships at the energy level on the female sex and health in general. In it we will analyze in detail the hidden mechanisms of influence on the female body, which no doctor will tell you about. Your point of view regarding the frequent change of sexual partners may not coincide with the thoughts that I will present below, and this is quite normal. But if you want to understand the process itself and the risks it brings to you, then carefully read this article.

Don’t rush to throw slippers at me and accuse me of conservatism and outdated views on life. Dear ladies, your vagina is your property! It is quite normal that one of you is comfortable choosing one partner or being alone, maintaining asceticism. And someone believes that “... there will be no Fedya, there will be Petya...” is a modern approach to building relationships. No one will judge you here; it’s all your own business. My job is to share important information that, perhaps, will change some of your lives for the better and help you find long-awaited happiness.

First, to put everything in its place, let’s understand the concepts.

Whoredom is vulgar behavior, debauchery, debauchery. But at the same time, the word comes from another word, “fornication.” To fornicate, that is, to go the wrong way, to be mistaken. And as a result, all of the above can be reduced to a simple understanding that whoredom is a delusion or a mistake.

An error in behavior results from ignorance of the true facts of the processes taking place, the substitution of values imposed by modern society, and birth control. After all, think about the fact that this whole sexual revolution, open relationships and free love some 200 years ago were absolutely unacceptable things in society. And now this system has been “kindly implemented” to take care of people?! Oh no! The more open relationships there are, the fewer stable families there will be, the fewer children will be born. Think about it. If this is allowed, it means it is beneficial for someone, obviously not the population, but those who control world processes.

And now let’s move on to the essence of the issue and the magical aspects, and sacred knowledge, which neither politicians, nor doctors, nor social activists who avidly advocate free love will tell you about.

Sex as the most powerful of energy bindings

During sexual intercourse, in addition to the biological component, hormonal dependencies, and emotional addiction to a partner, one of the most powerful connections is also formed at the level of the second lower chakra of Svadhisthana, which is located two fingers below the navel on the stomach.

During sexual intercourse, people exchange not only fluids, but also energy. Moreover, this energy flows from a man to a woman, passes through her body and returns to the man. A wheel of energy is created: entry through the genitals, passage through the body, exit through the crown, entry through the crown to the man, passage through his body, and so on in a circle. A loop is created and a tether is formed.


In a normal energetic state, during orgasm there is a powerful surge and a man and a woman at the energy level unite into a single organism for this time. This surge is needed for the conception of life. This is a powerful push that opens a funnel to attract the child’s soul for incarnation. But in most cases, people use contraception and conception does not occur, but unification occurs. Energy that was not used for its intended purpose is spent on strengthening the bonds between a man and a woman. A continuous connection is formed between such people at the level of the lower chakras. Roughly speaking, after sexual intercourse, a man carries a piece of feminine energy, and a woman carries masculine energy.

And everything would be fine, it would seem. Here is a couple in love, they have a connection. But! Such a connection is formed after each sexual intercourse with a new partner. Now imagine how many partners you have had in your entire life? How many connections coming from you stretch to them and from them to you. What if one of your former partners has left for another world, but the connection continues?! What if there are several such people? Here's a necro-binding for you. What if you later parted as enemies and still hate each other, but there is a connection?! Here's a vampire sucker for you. What if you fall out of love with a person, but that other partner is not with you?! Here he is drawing energy from you, but you are not in the spirit of sleep.


And then you wonder why, every time it becomes more and more difficult to build normal relationships and something gets in the way. You ask questions about why you got married a long time ago, but something still goes wrong. These are not only the psychological aspects of past negative experiences, which also certainly affect you, your life and your attitude towards members of the opposite sex. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman. These bindings influence one way or another equally negatively on representatives of both sexes.

Have you heard the popular expression “there is nowhere to place samples”? It is usually used in relation to women who are promiscuous. It well describes the essence of what I described above. It is mostly women who suffer from this in society, because you must admit that there is still an opinion that if a man has had many women, then he is a great man! But if a woman has had too many men, then she is automatically a slut. Although in fairness I will say that whoreness has no gender! Such people lose their goodness, they have breakdowns in their energy and a lot of attachments that prevent them from building full-fledged healthy relationships.

Why is “for health” such nonsense?!

Those who remember the post-Soviet healthcare system, in particular gynecology, know that this fairy tale was driven into the heads of women, and in some places it is still driven into them by doctors. Modern science and Western medicine in particular have long proven that there is no direct connection between gynecological diseases of women and the presence of sex.

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The same doctors once hammered into women’s heads the postulate “you’ll give birth and everything will pass.” It was beneficial for the system, so that Soviet citizens would give birth to as many working classes as possible. And few people were interested in whether these women wanted to give birth to children, whether these children would be happy later. Women were simply used as an incubator for the production of new citizens and that’s all. Childbirth also does not affect the health of the female body, rather the opposite. Carrying each new child, the female body is depleted.

But few of those same doctors, and why would they, when the party put the task on the assembly line, told women that frequent changes of partners are not only a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, but also a new trauma for the female psyche.

No matter how anyone puffs up and fights for equal rights between men and women, we are completely different creatures, both physically, emotionally, energetically and mentally. Have you heard the expression: “men are from Mars, women are from Venus”? This sums it up well. Mars is the ancient God of the Warrior, and Venus is the goddess of love, tenderness and beauty.


In the psyche of a woman, unlike a man, there is no need for polygamy. Women do not have an instinctive need to “cover all healthy females with their seed”! A woman, on an instinctive level, needs one stable, healthy male who can ensure the survival of her offspring. It is for this reason that most stupid men call women materialistic. Women are not mercantile, they test men to see if he can protect (and in our world this is finances) her and her children.

mars and venus

Why am I describing this?! Yes, so that you understand that when the idea of “sex for health” is hammered into you, you are pushed towards self-destruction of the psyche and into the active collection of sexual attachments that you do not need. If a woman has sex with a man, supposedly for health reasons, so that she can simply be poked in the right place, then this only brings harm and psychological trauma. Plus, such a woman risks her health and reputation. Each new “for health” then gradually turns into “all men are assholes.”

In addition, the modern easy availability of sex has made most men (not all, there are exceptions) irresponsible, rude, impudent abusers who, in principle, devalue female strength and femininity. And this is where the notorious male opinion “all women are whores” comes from! Have you already managed to trace the chain reaction that has been launched since the times of the USSR?!

Why should a woman have only one sexual partner?

In this part of the article we will not talk about swan fidelity at all. I am not advocating for you to choose one man once and for all and be faithful to him for the rest of your life! Oh no! If you are not satisfied with your man, if he does not fill you energetically, does not give you protection, and even worse, tyranns you or uses you, then feel free to say goodbye to such a character.

independent woman

The true essence of sex, as an energetic ritual of intercourse, is an equal exchange of energy. This means that the person must suit you first of all energetically, emotionally and psychologically. He should fill you, and you should fill him. Otherwise it is vampirism and violence. The process of sexual intercourse itself, without the energetic and emotional component, is poor physical education. Self-affirmation of an abusive man or woman who uses sex as manipulation to get money from a man. For the most part, this is what happens in poorly structured relationships. Such couples will never be happy. In addition, betrayal often occurs in them, both on the part of men and on the part of women.

As you already understand, having more than one sexual partner at the same time is extremely dangerous for a woman in every sense of the word. Firstly, it increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, secondly, it destroys a woman’s psyche, and thirdly, it damages her reputation. And this also negatively affects her energy field.

Moreover, there is an interesting fact about the betrayal itself. They differ both in motive and form. If the majority of men can freely sleep with several women at the same time and hang noodles on everyone’s ears, and at the same time feel morally normal, and in especially difficult cases, even proud of their “masculinity”. A woman’s infidelity is always a feeling of guilt, obvious or covered by special concern for the one she is cheating on.


Some women, cheating on their main partner (husband or cohabitant), unconsciously strive for the 1-partner algorithm. That is why such women often begin to have “headaches” and, under any pretext, refuse sex with the one they are cheating on. There are even cases when a woman who has a lover can only have sex with him, and live with her husband because of some of her own considerations (children, financial security, etc.), but remain faithful to her lover.

In addition, the motive for female infidelity (if the woman is not an inveterate harlot from the moment of puberty) is very different from male. A man can sleep with a woman out of curiosity, because he liked her or liked her body and not love this woman at all. But for women, for the most part, the algorithm is the same: this man compensated for the shortcomings of the main partner, or the main partner offended the woman so much that she no longer wants him. With her lover she feels more comfortable and protected; there is always infatuation, affection or love there. It is a rare woman who will build a long-term intimate relationship without experiencing feelings, unless it is really for mercantile motives, but these are rather isolated cases.

In addition, women are more attached to men after sex than men are to women. Because there is a stronger emotional and energetic connection there. And also because a woman is more sensitive and feels a stronger sexual connection at the level of the lower chakras.

In addition, in most cases (again, there are exceptions), in a woman’s mind there is an equal sign between the words “love” and “sex”. In the world, women are almost the same thing. It is for this reason that they perceive their partner’s betrayal so painfully. The algorithm works - if he slept with someone else, it means he no longer loves me. Although this may not be the case at all, and her man just happened to have successful sex on the side, which he will easily forget about later.

Women who have many sexual partners (for example, professional prostitutes or simply the so-called strong and independent) are simultaneously destroyed mentally, become aggressive, devalue men, because on an unconscious level they feel used. Or such women stop experiencing orgasm and often suffer from thrush, for example, as a psychosomatic disorder and a reaction to psychological discomfort and other gynecological diseases.

Of course, you can spread demagoguery in this article ad infinitum. But I think that I conveyed and argued the main idea. I will talk in more detail about the energy aspects of relationships between people, including men and women, in the following materials.

Advice for readers, just think for a second about what was stated above. I don’t urge everyone to urgently go to the monastery, but still. It is not for nothing that most world religions promote the principle of carnal purity. There is also a rational grain in this. Promiscuity has never made anyone happier in this world.

All the best and happiness!

May the Force be with you!

Best regards, Margarita.

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