In this material we will talk about the most important creation of an intangible plane in any cemetery. Here I will try to explain to you what this Power is.

Pogostnik (Owner of the cemetery) is the manager of everything that lives on the subtle plane in the territory of the World of the Dead.

Note: The owner of the cemetery is most likely not the Spirit of the personality of the deceased, who is the main one in this or that cemetery, but a certain dark substance from the World of the Dead that controls the space around itself.

The Pogostnik is the Lord, Shepherd and Guide of Spirits and other non-material structures, who maintains order both in the material world and on the subtle plane in the territory of the cemetery.

Master of the cemetery

All living people who visit the cemetery also come into the field of view of the Pogostnik, and he monitors them and the maintenance of order in the territory. Although most people have no idea about its existence, do not see it, they can still observe (if they look closely) the effects of the presence of this creature.

It feels like looking at your back, and when you turn around there is no one behind you. Flocks of screaming crows on your head or in nearby trees also signal the close presence of the Master. Animals accompanying you: cats, dogs, not necessarily black, who follow you but do not leave the cemetery area. In special cases, he may appear in the form of an old man (a living person) who spoke to you when you were alone there, and no one else had seen him except you.

There are a lot of myths and legends about this creation. Some claim that the first person buried in the cemetery becomes the Pogostnik (his grave is the oldest), but this is only partly true. After all, a woman could have been buried first, and Pogostnik is in all cemeteries.

In the general understanding, the Pogostnik or the Master of the cemetery is the collective image of everyone who is buried, this is a type of dark energy from the World of the Dead, an intangible structure that controls this cemetery. In a sense, he can even be called the egregor of this cemetery. He is the Spirit of the cemetery itself, its energetic power.

How do psychics describe Pogostnik?

It is clear that everyone has their own associations and each psychic sees this creature in their own way, but there are common characteristic features to describe it.

Master of the cemetery

A pogostnik is an elderly man (male) in a long dark robe with a staff in his hands. He usually appears in the form of a human figure hovering above the ground, which moves smoothly and silently. With the help of his staff, he “herds” the Spirits of the cemetery, preventing them from leaving his territory, and also disperses other entities and inhabitants of the intangible world in the graveyard. Often this entity is neither evil nor good and looks calm. Its main function is to protect peace and order in the cemetery.

What doesn’t Pogostnik like?

  • When the peace of the dead and order in the cemetery are disturbed.
  • When they make noise, they listen to music and have fun.
  • When graves are desecrated or something is taken from the cemetery.
  • When they come to perform magical rituals without his permission.
  • When they litter.
  • When a wake is celebrated loudly, I drink, have fun or barbecue.
  • When they relieve themselves on the territory of the cemetery.
  • When they organize orgies on the territory of cemeteries (this is typical for some informals).

For all of the above, the owner of the cemetery can punish by unleashing embittered Spirits and all sorts of evil spirits on the violators, as well as by sending on their “heads” those skids and dumps of negativity that magicians (practitioners) carry out there during their purges.

What kind of offerings does Pogostnik prefer?

Here, every practitioner who works with this creation may have his own experience. But in general, there is a certain category of those things that the owner of the cemetery likes to accept as a gift.

  • Alcohol, often normal quality vodka.
  • Cigarettes (sometimes you need to light them, sometimes you don’t).
  • Sweets and memorial.
  • Small coins at the intersection, usually 13.

Pogostnik also loves to be treated with respect and respect, loves modesty and calmness, and loves when unmarked or abandoned graves are taken care of.

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

You can leave an offering here:

"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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