In this material we will analyze what the “Code” is in magic. We will also touch on the topic of who installs it and how it affects the practitioner’s event series.
Most of you are familiar with the concept "Code of honor". So, in magic, every practitioner: Mage, Occultist, Witch, Sorcerer and others either has their own “Code” or is completely absent (in which case they are unprincipled destructive agents).
The “code” in magic is certain personal rules in work and rituals that a particular practitioner adheres to.
Moreover, both the so-called “white” Mages and the “black” Mages may or may not have the “Code”. I hope that you remember that the division into colors is a convention that was invented by people far from magic.
In a more general sense, the “Code” for a magical practitioner is certain personal beliefs and principles from which a given person does not deviate under any circumstances, for any money.
For example, if a Witch in her personal “Code” prohibits casting love spells, casting spells on children, casting spells on the death of another person, then, as a matter of principle, she will never perform this type of work (neither under the threat of life, nor for huge sums of money). ) even if she practices so-called “black” magic and knows how such rituals are performed.
But practitioners without a “Code” usually do not shun anything, especially for a good monetary reward. To be fair, I will say that the latter sooner or later end badly! After all, these “magui” and “maguini” are often far from the true principles of magic, secret knowledge, and most importantly from the concept of Universal balance and Supreme justice. For which they actually bear severe karmic consequences, sometimes without understanding why “life is unfair”! This, by the way, is where a lot of myths and legends about the “terrible curse” for a witchcraft gift come from. There is no curse if you work according to the rules and do not violate the Universal laws, which were established not by people, but by those who created everything that exists and bears.
What is included in the standard understanding of the “Code”?
As I said above, each practitioner has his own personal “Code” and some will have more points, which I will list below, while others will have fewer.
- Do not disturb the Universal balance.
- Do not influence the Will of others (love spells, slave collars, suppression of will, etc.).
- Do not interfere unless asked to do so.
- If you were asked to intervene magically, watch where you are interfering and whether it is worth interfering there (maybe this person deserves it and this is his Karma, which he must work off himself).
- Don't attack first.
- Do not overdo it in magical showdowns (if you have been damaged by bad luck, you cannot return damage to death). An adequate principle should work here: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!”, but nothing more.
- Taking someone else's life by magic is allowed only in three cases: you were attacked and they are trying to take your life, and then the choice is either your life or the one who attacked; attacked your offspring and are trying to take their lives; a man took someone else’s life and remained unpunished (he killed someone and paid off, but another innocent person was imprisoned unfairly for him).
- Do not take what belongs to others (stealers, banners, theft of energy, etc.).
- Do not take life in the physical world. That is, if possible, do not make bloody sacrifices, taking the lives of animals. Advice, it is better not to work with Forces that require the killing of another living being.
- Do not distribute knowledge for free to persons uninitiated in the mysteries, whose minds are not ready to correctly perceive magical postulates without distorting the truths, etc.
How do you understand that this is a destructive agent who supposedly works according to the “Code”?
There is such a category of “practitioners” who read magic forums on the Internet, buy a couple of books or invent their own New Age teachings and begin to convince their clients that they are masters with a capital “M”, hereditary, etc., that they are better they know how and what works, how to bypass the system, especially for your money. So, most of them are ordinary laymen who have no idea how the magical knowledge system works and, roughly speaking, try to poke their fingers into a working transformer, naively hoping that they won’t get electrocuted... (well, in general, you get the idea).
So, if you got an appointment with such a "practitioner", and he turned out to be an ordinary charlatan who showed you a "magic show", then you are very lucky, you got off easy, they will only take your money. It is worse if this practitioner knows something or is an unprincipled destructive person who will fulfill your wishes for your money. The work-off and the entire backlash, he will of course hang on your event sequence, "forgetting" to tell you about the consequences of this or that ritual.
A characteristic feature of practitioners with a supposed “Code” is to convince you that this ritual is evil, it is “wrong,” but for your money you can deviate from the principles.
Destructors perform the following range of magical services for money:
- Damages, curses, magical negativity, perclades, etc., without going into details of “what?” but how?" there was no attempt to find out who was right and who was wrong.
- Love spells, egilettes, sexual attachments and other rituals to suppress the Will of another person.
- Eliminating competitors in unfair competition.
- Elimination of rivals when it comes to love relationships, including “returning the husband/wife to the family.”
- Stealers, flag the theft of other people's success.
- Transferring curses and magical negativity to other people, etc.
In general, such “practices” will feed your ears with sweet nonsense that you are thinking correctly, feed your resentful Ego, maintain your psychological trauma, intimidate you and manipulate you.
After all, their goal is to get your money, and at the same time make you their regular customer. Of course, because it will be you who will pay for the work done karmically, energetically and eventually! Then you will come again and bring money and so on in circles. They didn’t tell you what the return and rollback would be, what the consequences would be, they didn’t try to dissuade you from taking the wrong step, but why, after all, you are a cash cow?! Then for a long time they will convince you that this is a rival or competitor, or someone else has brought damage to you again. That you need to cleanse yourself, etc., etc... But they will never tell you the truth, that these were karmic consequences for the fact that you upset the Universal balance.
Here I would advise novice practitioners to thoroughly study the theory of magic, traditions, and especially that part of them that explains the principles of energy exchange and Universal justice, so as not to have serious karmic consequences for the fact that you interfered where you should not have interfered and did what what you shouldn't have done!
Develop yourself and always think about the consequences of the decisions you make!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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