In this material I will reveal a very important aspect of any magical and ritual work, which must always be taken into account for the ritual to work correctly - the position of the Moon.
The moon, as a celestial “luminary” (“night luminary” in magic) has a direct impact on all processes occurring on our planet Earth, including the success of your magical work!
It’s no secret in the modern World that the Moon affects the ebb and flow of the tides, the processes that occur in the people’s psyche, the female reproductive system, and even whether your baking will succeed or whether the sown seeds will sprout, etc. In a word, a lot in our lives depends on the position of the Moon (lunar cycle) in the sky.
Lunar cycles
- Black Moon (Lunar Eclipse) or New moon - the day when the Moon is not visible in the sky. After this day, she begins to grow. Usually this 29 lunar day.
- New Moon With 1st to 7th lunar day, when less than 50% of the sanctified part of the Earth's satellite is visible in the sky.
- First quarter, when 50% of the Moon is visible. It's within 7 lunar days.
- Waxing Crescent, when more than 50% of the Moon becomes visible in the sky, with half of 7 lunar days before Full Moon 13th lunar day.
- Full moon – 13 days 20 hours 100% Moon visible. This is the peak.
- Waning moon begins With 14 lunar days until 21 lunar days, when more than 50% of the “night star” is visible.
- Last quarter, when 50% the Moon is visible in the sky. This the remainder of the 21st lunar day.
- Aging Moon, when less than 50% of the “night star” is visible in the sky, the With 22 lunar days and lasts up to 28, then the New Moon comes again.
The direction of rituals depending on the position of the Moon
In magic, three main and fourth auxiliary positions of the Moon are used.
· New Moon: all rituals that are associated with stay, acquisition, guidance, including negativity, everything that, together with the Moon, should grow, increase its impact and increase (health, wealth, or, on the contrary, negative rituals with reservations such as, as the Moon grows, so does the ritual is growing).
· Waning moon: all rituals that are associated with demise and deliverance. For example, cleaning, removing negativity, getting rid of unnecessary attitudes, etc. At the same time, there are a number of rituals (corruptions) also with stipulations such as, as the Moon wanes, it will continue to wane... this also includes kradniks and banners, which are also placed on the Waning Moon, so that a person’s waning, and the practitioner’s remains. This is how destroyers work, keep this in mind.
· Full moon (13th lunar day): any rituals can be performed on this day, because the power of the Moon, when the "night light" is visible in the sky 100%, is the maximum. Works related to increasing magical power, intuition, opening abilities, influencing the psyche of people, etc. are especially good on this day. After all, the Full Moon, even without rituals, has the maximum effect on the psyche of people, especially those who have special features or psychiatric diagnoses.
Also on the Full Moon, they collect herbs, brew potions, charge talismans and carry out other practices that are designed to maximally nourish your mantic and magical attributes with strength.
And also on the Full Moon they perform rituals with water (remember about the ebb and flow of the tides). The moon on this day has the maximum effect on liquids on our planet (including human blood). For the same reason, herbs collect maximum juice during the Full Moon.
Water is a direct symbol of the emotional sphere in magic. Therefore, the Full Moon greatly affects the emotional sphere of people, and as a result affects the nervous system (brain) and hormonal system (blood).
· Black Moon (New Moon): used in magic less often. Mostly for working with specific Powers and Deities such as Lilith. This day can also be used to induce darkness and darkness (darkness in the mind). The symbolism is simple, there is no Moon, there is pitch darkness all around, and accordingly it is easier to lead someone astray.
The remaining positions of the Moon (lunar cycle) are used extremely rarely in magic. Most often these days, rituals are performed in which little depends on the Moon. For example, the ritual itself is built either on the Personal Power of the practitioner, or on agreements with those Forces with which the practitioner works. The date and time of such rituals are most likely tied to other aspects and dates more than to the lunar cycle.
I wish you fruitful magical work!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!
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