Many of you, in search of a way out of a situation where relationships are deteriorating or there is a situation of unrequited love, are looking for that same “magical” effective love spell ritual in order to achieve your goals.

Being in a negative psychological state (codependency with a partner), a person no longer thinks about the consequences of his actions. His consciousness narrows to a point (tunnel thinking) and the unhappy lover no longer sees anyone or anything around him. He (she) lives in thoughts about another person, completely dissolving in his partner. Accordingly, in such a state a person looks for any way and way out of the situation. Usually this solution is a love spell. People either order this ritual from practitioners or try to do it themselves. But! Few people know what it really is and what consequences it can entail for both the “victim” (the rabbit) and the customer. So let's take everything in order!

Love spell is a type of DAMAGE! The purpose of this ritual is to suppress the Will of the victim, as well as to impose someone else’s Will on her (him). After the correct execution of the ritual, the person who was bewitched turns into a slave for the one who bewitched him.

love spell


Note: There are a great many love spell rituals in different traditions. But! There are no harmless so-called “white love spells”! It is a myth. It is impossible to break the Will of a person “in white”. This is always the so-called black magic!



Consequences of a love spell:

  • Mental disorders and periodic outbreaks of aggression of the victim towards the one who bewitched;
  • Escape from the suppression of the Will, which the mind of the bewitched will feel, depending on addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc.);
  • Problems with the reproductive organs (impotence/frigidity);
  • The birth of the patient's mental, psychological and physical offspring from the bewitched, as well as from those who bewitched;
  • Cheating the Karma of the one who bewitched (karmic consequences);
  • The relationship will end anyway and will be completed, sooner or later, by the one who bewitched due to the fact that the person he loved no longer exists (a weak-willed slave will cease to be interesting and necessary), etc.

In no case will the “miracle masters” tell you about this, who perform this ritual for your money or place in the public domain a bunch of broken rituals, which then also go wrong after they are performed by an inexperienced person who does not know the intricacies of magic.

What can replace a love spell?

If you are still planning to use magic, although I will immediately say that it is better to undergo psychotherapy and work on your weaknesses, then below I will give methods that are more harmless, but no less effective for solving this kind of love problems.

love spell

  • Rituals aimed at harmonizing relationships;
  • Rituals to incite passion between partners;
  • Rituals for pumping your chakra, which is responsible for sexual relationships and energy (2 from below).

The purpose of rituals that are aimed at harmonizing relationships between people is the establishment of harmony and balance. There is no suppression of the Will, and therefore no karmic consequences. By conducting them, you do not pursue the goal of turning a person into a slave, but only remove the negative aspects that stand between you and your partner (smooth out the “sharp corners”). The effect is achieved gradually, and besides, you yourself should make some efforts in human communication to stabilize the situation.

The purpose of rituals is to incite passion between partners is the return of former passion (impact on the “basic instinct” and igniting sexual energy). There is also no suppression of Will here, because if a person still has a sexual attraction to you, then this influence will warm it up. The effect is also achieved by changing behavior patterns. You should create the necessary atmosphere, take initiative and welcome your partner’s initiative. In this case, it is important to get rid of complexes, psychological blocks and grievances.

Note: This ritual only works if there has been relatively recent sexual intercourse with a partner! If you have never had sex with this person, the ritual will not work (there is no sexual energy connection between you). If you are planning to incite passion for a person with whom you had sex many years ago, then I will disappoint you, the ritual is also unlikely to work!

The purpose of rituals is to pump the chakra responsible for sexuality is your collection of sexual energy for greater attractiveness to people of the opposite sex. There is also no suppression of the Will of other people and no influence on other people at all. The principle of operation of this method is that by gaining sexual energy you become a magnet for people of the opposite sex. But there is a nuance! People who match your vibrations (sexual and energetic) will unconsciously be drawn to you. They will find you more attractive and will be sexually attracted to you. But! This method may not work for the person you really need (incompatibility of energies). The advantage of this method is that you can choose a suitable partner from a large number of people attracted to your sexual energy. Roughly speaking, you won't be alone!

Myths about love spells

The most popular myth is that there are harmless love spells without consequences.

There are no such love spells (in the classical understanding of the word “love spell”)! Consequences ALWAYS!!! they will, whether you like it or not.

love spell

I often hear the opinion that our grandmothers bewitched us and everything was fine - they lived, no one got divorced. Please analyze the quality of life of such a grandmother, if you know one. Are you sure that she lived happily in reality, and not for show, because “what will people say”?! This woman’s bewitched husband did not accidentally drink, beat, or play around throughout their “happy” family life?! What about her children, what is their fate now, happily?! And draw a conclusion for yourself.

Another common myth: when a family collapses, with the help of a love spell you can return everything to the way it was.

Alas and ah! You can't go back to how it was! This is impossible! You will have to either rebuild the relationship, and a love spell won’t help, or break up.

love spell

Understand that if your family collapses, it means it was built incorrectly. It’s normal that after a certain stage in life people stop being comfortable with each other.

It is possible that you and your partner have already traveled a certain path and the time has come to separate, and you begin to cast a love spell, aggravating the situation and blocking the way for a new partner who should enter your life after breaking up with this person.

Perhaps you are under a falling out program (needs to be diagnosed), and you are sculpting a love spell on top and creating an even greater conflict at the energy level. And first you need to go through a cleanse (usually, cleansing also helps to improve relationships).

Perhaps your problem can be solved by a couple of consultations with a family psychotherapist and you don’t need magic at all (sometimes a heart-to-heart conversation with each other helps better than any love spells).

A love spell is an effective method of fighting a rival or rival.

It's a delusion! If your couple has a third angle, then a love spell will not help you by definition!

love spell

Understand that if your partner, after many years of relationship with you, finds solace on the side, it means that he is missing something in his relationship with you! Perhaps your partner is completely dissatisfied with the relationship with you, but cannot or does not want to tell you about it (it’s so convenient for him). The new partner, unfortunately, on an unconscious level already has more value than you. Or they simply see you as a backup option. The guesswork here can be endless.

Therefore, here you need to sort yourself out and make a decision: are you ready to endure it or not. But getting involved in a game where you are pitted against a “rival or rival” so that you fight for such a person, for his attention, for a relationship with him, for sex with him as a prize - this is an initially losing position.

Ask yourself questions: “What do I want?”, “Why do I need all this?”, “Why do I need a person who needs to bewitch?”, “What am I fighting for?” ... and answer them honestly for yourself.

A love spell is an unconscious desire to possess another person as a thing, to control him, to control his life and to commit violence against him using magical tools. Such a magical abuse.

Love spell with menstrual blood

love spell

I’ll say here my “ugh” about this curse ritual, promoted on the Internet, “known from great-grandmothers,” which is freely available on every corner in different variations. So that young and inexperienced ladies, as well as desperate women, do not spoil their Karma ahead of time, because the temptation is great! Is not it?!

A love spell on menstrual blood (a love spell on menstruation) is not only DAMAGE, but also POISON!

Remember that by pumping up your menstrual blood and making it into another person’s blood, you are poisoning the body of the other person (the one being bewitched)!

For a second, this smacks of criminal articles, but fortunately, woe betide us, our legal and judicial system is not so developed as to sue for damage to health. In countries where there are a lot of lawyers per square meter, you will immediately be sued for such acts.

Menstrual blood (dead blood) removes dead endometrial cells from a woman’s body, cleansing her body. This liquid should not be eaten!

In addition to everything, this type of ritual is carried out on dark energies and attracts entities and demons. It is due to this that a quick effect is achieved, with a bunch of consequences that for some reason no one mentions. This ritual negatively affects the psyche and health of men. It is dangerous both from a biological and energetic point of view!

I hope that I conveyed my thoughts to conscious people and that they understood me correctly. As for the destructive people who trade in this, well, as they say: “to each his own”! Don't forget the consequences!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita.

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