Before you and I begin the process of performing (creating) rituals, I suggest you understand what a ritual is and why it is needed.
A ritual is a process of performing certain sequential actions that have their own specific symbolism and are designed to help the Magician (practitioner) concentrate his Will and his Powers to make changes in the series of events, as well as to obtain the desired effects (achieve the Magician’s goals).
Any ritual is always an intention confirmed by action! By performing a ritual, you declare to the Universe, the Higher Powers, the Gods and the Powers with which you cooperate the seriousness of your intentions through the “process of creation.” Relatively speaking, you reproduce a certain set of symbolic actions that are designed to cause the changes you need in this world (change reality on the information and energy levels, and subsequently on the physical level too).
There are a great many rituals in various magical traditions (and religious ones too). They are done for different purposes and have different effects, as well as influence on this world and on other people.
The main task of the ritual is to help the Magician (practitioner) concentrate. Therefore, it is naive to assume that if you find a “super-effective ritual”, but you are a beginner in magic – it will immediately work and bring you an instant and desired effect.
The success of performing a ritual depends on the skill, skill and experience of the practitioner, on his knowledge and inner Strength!
Let me remind you once again that the Magician (practitioner) is a person who can make changes to this reality according to HIS WILL!!! When performing a ritual, the Magician (practitioner) postulates his Will as something that is not subject to doubt, something that is mandatory to be fulfilled, something that is the absolute truth!
Therefore, one of the most common and main mistakes of beginning practitioners is impatient expectation of effects (results). Inexperienced practitioners, after performing a ritual, begin to get emotional, and They are constantly waiting, well, when will it work, whether it worked or not, etc., etc.
One of the main rules for successfully performing any ritual is the triad: DONE, LAUNCHED and FORGET!
During the ritual, you reinforce your intentions with actions. Then, in the process of creating the ritual, you fill it as much as possible with your Strength, energy and your Will. But then, in order for the ritual to unfold and bring the effect you need, it is important for you to let go of the situation and stop filling it emotionally. Remember, the ritual you launched must unfold energetically, and this takes time! You, as a practitioner, at the moment while the ritual comes into action and goes through the path of making changes at the information and energy levels, take the position of a silent observer (contemplate)!
Your task after performing the ritual is to observe the effects that will gradually happen in this world on a physical level. And this is not an instant process! Yes, some rituals work faster, some take longer. Everything will depend on the ritual itself, the tradition in which it is carried out and the power of the practitioner who carried it out. Equally important here is the support of Higher Powers, Gods, Spirits and Helpers, or their absence (perhaps you performed the ritual solely on your own Power).
What might be important for successful rituals?
- Observance of lunar cycles (for some rituals this is important, for others it is not);
- Observance of the Day and Hour of the ritual (I advise you to read the material "Planetary Magic");
- Elemental correspondences in the process of performing a ritual (I advise you to re-read the material "Elements in magic and in mantika");
- The presence or absence of asceticism by the practitioner (voluntary “fast”, you give up for a certain period of time what is DEAR to you: sex, smoking, alcohol, etc.);
- The tradition in which the ritual is performed and all its derivatives;
- The presence or absence of farm-outs, purchases and donations;
- Signals from the Higher Powers (your ritual may not work, you may be interfered with, or something stubbornly does not work out - this is a hint that you should not perform the ritual either at all or on the day you have chosen), etc.
The above is not a complete list for general information, so that you understand the basics of working with ritualism. In each specific case of a certain ritual or ceremony, naturally, there are some nuances.
Compliance with the sacrament is the main path to success!
It is better to carry out rituals alone, without the presence of extra eyes and ears of uninitiated people. The exception is the collective work of practitioners. Also, do not brag and spread the work done to other people! This is bad manners! No self-respecting practitioner will talk on every corner about what he did and how he did it (there is no point).
Why is that?! Because during the ritual you do not need alien energy that will interrupt your work! You don't need people who will distract your attention and reduce your concentration on the ritual process!
Remember that no self-respecting practitioner will tell anyone about the work done, if only for security reasons. Why do you need someone to find out your algorithm of actions and interrupt your ritual, for example? Or, better yet, have someone perform their own ritual, which will make adjustments to your work that you do not need at all, and subsequently you will not get the effect you need. Right! You don't need this!
“Leave silently, without looking back!”
Many rituals contain in their “instructions” this mandatory set of actions. And it is important not because some spirits or some other nonsense will haunt you there. No! We will return to the issue of firmness of intentions. This is a way of closing, so to speak, a completed work.
Note: This type of action is symbolic. By leaving and not turning around, you symbolically confirm that you do not intend to retreat and the action (ritual) is completely final and irrevocable.
Some rituals have different variations of this instruction. For example, leave silently, without turning around until you come home.
Note: In this case, the place where the ritual was completed (from which you leave silently, without turning around) is a symbolic world where magic lives, and your home symbolizes the real (physical) world. The threshold of your home acts here as a border between two worlds: the world of magic and reality. Thus, having crossed the threshold of your home, you complete the work, symbolically leaving the world of magic and returning to reality ("going out into the portal").
Regarding not talking (leaving silently, without turning around), I can make my own adjustments from my experience and practice. I would say that you should not just not talk, but try not to think about anything at all and maintain an empty mind.
Note: Silence in this case is needed in order to energetically let go of the work, so as not to interrupt it with your thoughts, words and emotions. This is more necessary for the energetic unwinding of the work done, and also to free the mind of the practitioner. After all, from the moment the ritual is closed, you, as a practitioner, move into the position of a silent observer of the effects (contemplate)!
This article is only a small part of the information that I bring to your attention. This is an introductory material that is designed to help novice practitioners understand the essence of the issue. You can find a more detailed discussion of the essence of the issue in our courses, which you can purchase on our resource.
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita.
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"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!"