Before you begin the issues of financial flows and money egregors, as well as the comprehensive development of your roads and paths that will lead you to financial independence and success, I invite you to know yourself and realize the importance of the most valuable resource that each of you has. Some already know about this, but for many, what you read below will be a real discovery. I hope that this material, which is freely available, will help many of you to make your lives better, more successful and richer right now!

Time is the only currency in your life that you give or save and spend on yourself and your development!

To your surprise, it is time that is the main and most valuable resource in a person’s life, not money! It is this resource that the system basically steals from you when you are its cog (an average employee who is paid a salary like all other people)!

Time is a very interesting substance if you look at it from different points of view. In the physical understanding of the issue, time does not exist as a physical quantity!

You ask: “How is this possible”?! After all, we are all used to looking at the clock, calendar, celebrating birthdays, counting the past years... That's it! This is a convention of our physical world, accepted for convenience by society, a calculation system that works only within the boundaries of our planet Earth. We understand time more in the biological aspect, as the period of life of any living creature from the moment of birth to death. It is this period of life that is considered to be the time of life. But in terms of the Universal scale, there is no time! In the endless darkness of Space there is no time!

Earth cross stihij 001

In an occult sense, in some circles, time is considered to be the fifth element. I recommend that you read the material entitled "Elements in magic and in mantika" it describes the principle of the fundamental principles of the elements. Time is the starting point, which is located at the intersection of the cross of elements.


So, have you already experienced cognitive dissonance from the understanding that your main and most valuable resource does not exist as a physical quantity? Then I will continue to explain so that you understand what I am talking about.

The time of life, as we have already discussed above, is the period from your birth to the moment of your death, but we will all die sooner or later, no matter how sad and scary it sounds to you now.

And as M.A. said Bulgakov in the words of the character Woland: “Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick! And he can’t say at all what he will do this evening.”

Think about the true meaning of this phrase. Now you understand why time is your single most valuable resource.

Now look at your life from this position, and you will discover how all those around you are trying their best to steal your time. Found it? Congratulations on your first step towards a successful life, because after reading this material your life will become higher quality and better if you make the first effort and start changing something in your life!

Below I will give examples of who or what can steal your time and thereby prevent you from developing as an individual and, attention, earning money! Because, to your surprise, no one and nothing is interested in your mental and financial development! No one and nothing is interested in your financial independence! The system does not need rich slaves, otherwise they will stop working for three pennies, killing their most valuable resource for this! I will say more, the people closest to you will try to drag you down so as not to look inferior against the backdrop of your success! So, when changing your life, be prepared for a change in your environment. Either you change it yourself, or unnecessary people will fall off and stop communicating with you (envy has not been canceled)! Remember all this.

What steals your time:

  • Hated work (from the word “slavery”), on which you spend most of your life receiving a meager income;
  • Negative emotions, as well as depression, fears, complexes, fear that something will not work out, etc.;
  • Addictions, who have them (alcohol, drugs, gambling, fornication...);
  • TV or YouTube (watching empty content that teaches you nothing, but only entertains);
  • Political sentiments (while you are busting your ass for someone else’s interests, you are being had as an electorate, and you are not being paid for it);
  • Conflicts with other people (while you are trying to prove that you are right, which is pointless to prove, your time is running away from you);
  • Savior syndrome (while you help everyone for free, give advice, your time is running away from you), etc., etc.

Who steals your time:

  • Relatives who are always dissatisfied with you, who demand your attention, help (without payment), teach you to live and keep a low profile, and fill you with negativity in response;
  • Your other halves (husbands and wives), who do not allow you to be successful, fearing not to measure up to you, who hinder your development and do not support you (instill the idea that you will not succeed and that you are doing nonsense);
  • Your friends who drag you down (get drunk on Fridays, chat in vain, pour out their souls to you, replacing the psychologist with you, etc.);
  • Your conditional enemies: abnormal neighbors with whom you constantly argue, rivals or rivals, ill-wishers, vampire people, etc.;
  • Those who make you a volunteer and use your talents, work and skills for free, etc., etc.


I have given only an approximate list, and for each of you it can contain from one to an infinite number of points (each of you has your own stories and moments, you understand the meaning). Now think, if you avoid many of the points in the lists above, how much free time could you successfully convert first into yourself, into your training and development of your abilities and talents, and then into your business and, accordingly, into money?!

Maybe it will be news to some of you that after you have been formatted (educated, that is, “taught”) at school, college and institute (and there they prepare slaves of the system, basically, who will work for three kopecks and rejoice at it , not counting the select few who were given a leadership position by birth through the necessary connections of eminent relatives), your talents and skills can be turned into a business! This is true in developed countries!

Think about how many useful and necessary things you could do for yourself and other people, if you remove the block that earning money is a shame, that spending time on yourself is a shame and this is selfishness?! If each of you begins to spend time developing yourself and your talents in order to turn your skills into your business and not waste time working for the system represented by the uncle owner or the head of your office, then soon you will discover the same financial flow and income money. Yes, not instantly! Yes, you won’t be able to leave a job you hate right away for a number of reasons (loans, mortgages, you need to feed your family, etc.)! Yes, it will be difficult to start and you will be dissuaded, you will be disturbed! But you want to be rich and happy?! Start small and develop your talents, turning them into a craft and your business. Do everything gradually, learning, trying new things. Strive for independence, and for this you need time, which you can save by refusing to waste it.

Money is the material equivalent that you get for your time spent!


Roughly speaking, when you are paid money for your work (or salary) – they are actually buying your life time, and not just your skills and work habits. That is why someone earns a lot of money, and someone gets a minimum wage for an 8-12 hour workday. The system values the time of the slaves who are needed to do this work very cheaply. People who have their own business, sell their services and earn money on their talents – they value their time themselves!

Thus, the first step to your financial independence will be the ability to properly manage your time. You must become an egoist, in a good understanding of this word, and pursue the realization of your goals and plans, and not live to please the system from bell to bell, waiting for retirement. You must throw out of your head the idea that you owe something to someone here (relatives, friends, politicians, society)! Remember that you can help other people, for example, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to! You should not waste time on people who are not interesting to you, who fill you with negativity, no matter who they are and no matter what relationship you have with them!

Also, you absolutely should not work, share knowledge, experience, help other people absolutely free of charge! They want to deceive you, they manipulate you and steal your time. Payment for all of the above can and should be taken either in cash, or by barter, or in the “service for service” format. Otherwise, you will forever owe and be obliged to everything and they simply will not value you, but will only steal your time, and, accordingly, your potential income.

Time is your investment! And it’s up to you to decide: invest it in yourself, or waste it.

Stolen time will never be returned to you! Your youth - no one will return! Your time will always work against you, and the more you waste it, the less chance you have to escape from the slave system, where you have no financial independence!

Finally, I will say that to start your financial independence, it will not be enough to pray, meditate, plunge yourself into the cash flow, or declare to the Universe your intentions to become rich and happy! Oh no! You must confirm your intentions with specific actions! It is then that your life will begin to change for the better. Start developing your talents, learn how to do something and try to sell it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because they will help you become better, wiser, more experienced. And all this, in turn, will help you, over time, achieve financial independence.

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita.

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