In this material, I publicly expose a conditionally safe way to get rid of negativity. This ritual belongs to the category of translation in magic. Therefore, remember that you are not just removing negative programs from yourself to nowhere. Another stupid and greedy person will definitely take them upon himself and this will be his karmic lesson! Personally, nothing will happen to you for this if you do everything correctly and according to the instructions. I do not recommend you to use your “creativity” here and change the ritual! If you decide, do everything as I describe in the instructions below without doing anything on your own. This is for your own good!

Important: the method relates directly to the witchcraft tradition (paganism). Therefore, if you are a devout Christian, it is not suitable for you, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to repent (feel guilty) here!

When performing this ritual, you must have a firm intention (Will) to transfer your negativity to the ransom coins and, throwing them away, get rid of the negativity!

Also, when performing this ritual, you must clearly understand that the coins with your negativity will definitely be picked up by someone out of stupidity, out of greed... This is not your problem! This is the karmic lesson of the person who decided to test Fate. This is a “lesson” for atheists and other unreasonable people. Remember that no sane person would take something that belongs to someone else, and what is lying on the ground at an intersection is someone else’s!

And I would like to emphasize once again that you, as a person performing the translation, are NOT allowed to experience doubts and feelings of guilt!

When should this ritual be performed?

This ritual can be performed when you see that everything in your life has gone through one place. You have started a sudden streak of negative events, there are suspicions of a magical attack on you from ill-wishers (evil eye, burglary, transfer, etc.). Or you are proficient in mantic systems (cards, tarot, etc.) and have independently diagnosed these negative programs on yourself.

The ritual is best performed on Waning Moon because you get rid of unnecessary things in your life. Also, special magical days (pagan holidays, reference points of the Wheel of the Year, etc.) are suitable for deliverance. On such days, the power of the ritual increases. But, if it is very hot, then it can be carried out on any day of the Waning Moon. The main thing here is the power of your intention (Will)!

Planetary correspondences and specifics of ritual

I think that you all remember that for each work there are planetary correspondences and specific days of the week. For those who are new to my site, let me remind you once again that each day of the week corresponds to one of 7 “planets” (wandering “stars”).

Planetary correspondences and specifics of ritual

  • Sunday is the Day of the Sun.
  • Monday is Moon Day.
  • Tuesday is Mars Day.
  • Wednesday is Mercury Day.
  • Thursday is Jupiter Day.
  • Friday is Venus Day.
  • Saturday is Saturn Day.

This ritual mostly affects the sphere of communications, finance and negativity, which was induced with the help of the World of the Dead (cemetery rituals). That is, the removal of quarrels, stealths, shifts, disguises (rituals so that people perceive you in a negative aspect), necrotic bindings, etc.

Therefore, they are more suitable for this ritual Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday! Everything will depend on what kind of negativity you are discarding.

  • Wednesday (Mercury Day) – suitable for establishing communications between people.
  • Thursday (Jupiter Day) – work with financial aspects.
  • Saturday (Saturn Day) – work with the World of the Dead.

As for the time of the ritual, it is better to carry it out when the daylight hours are coming to an end (In the evening).

What is needed for the ritual?

To carry out a quality ritual you will need only three simple things: ransom coins, crossroads at the Place of Power and Your Will.

ransom coins

Ransom coins

  • There should be 13 redemption coins! They must be silver in color and must be in use in your country at the moment!

Important: for Ukraine this is 13 hryvnia in coins!

I use a combination of 10 + 2 +1 or 13 pieces for 1 hryvnia.

  • Crossroads at the Place of Power: an equilateral cross or a fork-shaped intersection in the forest, the same types of intersections at the Temple, market, station, cemetery (for work in the cemetery you will need a separate offering to the Host and Mistress)!

Important: if you really feel sorry for people, it’s better to find an intersection in a less crowded place (Kapische, forest).

Remember that it is advisable that at the time of the ritual you are alone at this intersection, so that the ritual is not interrupted by idle, curious onlookers.


  • Your Will - this is an energy message (order) and a firm intention expressed in the words of the conspiracy.

Important: at the moment of casting the conspiracy, be as concentrated as possible on the process, use visualization and clearly express your Will!

Simply put, you should not have doubts, feelings of guilt and other unnecessary emotions.

Work intersection at the Place of Power

Work intersection at the Place of Power

The ritual process

According to the rules, you (silently) come to the intersection with ransom coins. You take them in your hands. Stand in the center of the intersection. Concentrate, visualize all the negativity that is on you. Next, you exhale onto the coins, imagine how all the dirt flows out of your body, soul and mind into the coins, which absorb it all as a carrier.


“I (name) transfer into these coins all the negativity, all my failures, all the blackness that is on me, all the evil programs, hassles and thefts, crossings and banners, blocked paths of my roads, which will open after I leave these here coins as a gift to the Spirits of the Area! Let it be so!"

Next, concentrate on the space and turn to the Spirits of the Area.


“Spirits of the Area, Spirits of the Crossroads, hear my call and petition! Take these coins as a gift! This is my offering to you, don’t disdain it! And send the negativity that is directed at them onto the heads of my enemies, who brought destruction upon me! In Justice, let them be rewarded according to their deeds! Let it be so!"

Next, throw the coins behind your back with your left hand while saying:

“The Spirits of the Area, the Spirits of the Crossroads have been paid! Be it so! And whoever picks up the coins will take on all the negativity! Let it be so!"

Leave silently, without turning around and without talking to anyone, no matter what happens, no matter who you meet along the way, just “fall into the cold.”

Tip: for greater efficiency, put on headphones and pretend that you don’t hear or notice anyone.

If you live very far away, then you can walk to any “border of the worlds” (door), enter there silently, and then talk. For example, we reached a store or entered an entrance, closed the door behind us and the whole border was passed!

An important aspect of this ritual!

This ritual, like all the rituals that I post in the public domain from the self-defense category! This means that it will be effective only in cases where you were attacked without authorization! That is, if you live for yourself, don’t bother anyone, but little people are itching because they have sex or stupidity.

Important: if you yourself caused destruction to someone, the ritual will work to your disadvantage!

Only a practitioner working according to the Code can use this ritual!

This ritual works on the pagan principle: “An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth!»

After the ritual

After you have reset the negativity, as well as after purges, your enemies, the same “good” people who harmed you, may burst into your space. Therefore, we remember the main rule: Don’t tell anyone anything, don’t give or help!

After the ritual, moments of asking for additional payment may also occur. Namely, on your way I will meet people asking for alms (homeless people, etc.). Here you should give as much as you don’t mind with protective charm words that can be said in a whisper when you give.


“Let the hand of the giver never fail! The ritual has been paid for! Let it be!”

Usually, additional payment is requested within a week after the ritual. They approach you specifically, although there are plenty of other people around! It is important! Pay attention to such nuances.

Good luck with your practice! Take care of yourself and your personal space!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

You can leave an offering here:

"To the Glory of the Higher Powers!" 

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