In this material I will tell you what a human being consists of from the point of view of magic. After all, many of you know only part of the information about a person, which some studied at school in biology lessons, and some perhaps in more depth (medical education).
Theories about the origins of man
There are a lot of theories, but here I will highlight three main ones. This is necessary to understand who a person is and where he came from on planet Earth.
· Anthropological theory, which states that man descended from a common ancestor with monkeys and, in the course of evolution, turned into that species Homo sapiens (Latin: “Homo sapiens”), who now inhabits our planet.
· Divine theory, according to which different religions and cults have their own version. Namely, the creation by God (Gods or Divine Creatures, the Great Demiurge, etc.) of the first people, man and woman, from whom the entire Human Race came.
· Cosmological theory, according to which life was brought to Earth from other habitable planets of the infinite Universe. There are several of them: the impact of a meteorite and the mutation of microorganisms with the subsequent process of evolution into humans, or the evacuation of inhabitants of other worlds from dying planets with subsequent adaptation on Earth, or a scientific experiment of more developed civilizations that, using genetic engineering, created humans, calling themselves Gods ( Creators).
With all their development and scientific achievements, modern scientists are not able to prove which of these theories is more correct!
There is still a lot of controversy and everything that the scientific community expresses on this matter is only a socially acceptable version, and not a proven fact.
The man according to the “official” version
The scientifically recognized version acceptable in society states that a person is a biological organism that is born, grows, ages and dies. At the same time, the human biological body, according to this theory, is controlled by the hormonal and nervous systems with a control center in the brain. Our psyche shapes our personality, character and behavioral attitudes. Science denies the existence of a Soul. Scientists cannot prove its presence or absence. Religions that rely on faith and holy scriptures tell us about such a part of a person as the Soul.
Man according to the occult version
By the occult version I mean here a different approach, neither scientific nor religious, but rather magical.
According to the occult concept, a person consists of a Body (the physical shell of a biological being), a Soul (the core) and a Spirit (the Power of Personality that holds this structure together).
Any violation of the integrity of this structure inevitably leads to the death of a human being on the physical plane. The Spirit separates (this is a cast of personality, which is often seen as a ghost), and the Soul, as the Core, moves into a subtle plane for purification and search for a new incarnation (reincarnation).
In addition, the human Body (its physical embodiment in this World) consists of 7 shells, of which our eyes are able to see only 1 physical one.
- Physical body.
- Etheric Body.
- Astral Body.
- Mental Body.
- Causal Body.
- Buddhial Body.
- Atmanic Body.
In the physical Body there are also 7 energy centers, which are called Chakras.
Therefore, my dear beginner magical practitioners and people who are trying to study a little more than what official science gives you, REMEMBER: a person is not only a biological being, but also an energetic one! You and I exchange energies with each other and with this World every single day!
Therefore, if you have some kind of illness or “dark streak” in your life, then you definitely need to carry out treatment not only at the physical level, but also at the level of Consciousness, Subtle Bodies and Energy centers, and the Psyche! At the same time, we have a biological (animal) part, so spiritual practices alone will never solve the problem and modern medicine will help you. The most important task is to maintain sanity and balance!
You must understand that the physical body breaks through last, when all other shells and cents are damaged. Therefore, the healing process must be performed in reverse order. First, using the means of modern science, you heal, including your physical body, and then do not forget to treat its energy components and cleanse your Consciousness! This is the guarantee of your successful life! It is impossible to separately treat only the physical Body or only its energy components, because that doesn’t work!
Best regards, Margarita!
May the force be with us!
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