In this material I will tell you about which candles are suitable for magical work and which are not suitable for this. Below we will discuss this issue with you in more detail.

Greetings, colleagues and my students. This year I am opening a new section on the site, which will be dedicated to the intricacies of working with candles in candle magic. I plan to release a series of articles on this topic, which will help novice practitioners more professionally understand the intricacies of candle magic, as well as working with candles during rituals.

Which candles are not suitable for rituals and candle magic?

Remember that candles made from artificial petroleum refining materials, especially paraffin candles, are not initially suitable for magical work! Artificial candles look impressive only as an entourage in the frame, but they are not suitable for real magic! In addition, paraffin and combustion products of such candles are very harmful to your health and cause a number of diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems!

Artificial candles do not have any magical properties. Therefore, they have no energy and are bad for a number of rituals; such candles are especially unsuitable for casting and annealing rituals! Of course, it is not prohibited to use them as an additional light source, but think about your health. Yes, such candles may be a symbol of the element of Fire, but again, I recommend using candles made from natural materials, especially beeswax, honeycomb foundation or homemade candles from coconut or soy wax of various colors.

A short analysis of the properties of candles:

·        Beeswax candles are the most versatile and effective in magic, especially when it comes to casting and annealing. The bees themselves are considered living creatures that fill this wax with a certain energy, moreover, such candles represent the synergy of all four elements. Most often, they are used in most rituals and magical practices.

·        Coconut wax candles are hard and have a pleasant aroma and color. Most often they can be found in occult stores in different color segments with different purposes. The same candles for working with chakras belong here. These candles are made from plant materials, coconut oil and its derivatives. They carry the energy of the earth and are well suited for grounding practices.

·        Also naturally occurring, soy wax candles are made from beans that grow on the earth. Typically, you can also see candles made from this material in occult stores as program candles in glass containers with the addition of oils and herbs. More suitable for meditation, space programming and spiritual practices.

All of the above types of candles are environmentally friendly and safe, unlike paraffin analogues, which are more suitable only for a themed photo shoot as an entourage.

In addition, for rituals it is better to use either handmade candles by master practitioners, or purchased in a special occult store (but there are Chinese stamps there), or taken from online magic shops.

I will also say that candles come in different colors and purposes. There are program and non-program candles. But I will tell you more about this in the following materials. Follow the updates on our website.

Happy rituals to you!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

Why doesn't the ritual work?

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