Let me remind you that even on my website there is a freely available ritual from a series of transferring negativity onto coins that are thrown at an intersection. There are a lot of similar practices in magic. There are also destructive ones among them, the essence of which is to perform a “black” ritual to eliminate illness, poverty and even death on any object and leave it in a crowded place or place it on a person as a lining. Therefore, if you entered the world of magic, be prepared to be tested for greed and pride by the Higher Powers!
Remember: NEVER pick up coins, money, valuables (gold, silver, jewelry, etc.) that are so “fortunately” lying in the most visible place, supposedly they belong to no one (someone lost them) and this is a “lucky” find ! Especially at intersections or under your home!
In 99% cases, they were deliberately planted there based on human stupidity and greed in order to shift their negativity onto someone who covets this item and takes it for himself along with the program.
Roughly speaking, these items or money are like a flash drive with a virus (program carrier), by picking it up (appropriating) or bringing it into your home, you give voluntary consent to take on someone else’s misfortune (sign an agreement)!
By appropriating someone else's property, and it is someone else's, even if the owner is not nearby, you are lowering your rights! Do you need this?! Is it worth it?! It is not a fact that you will then be able to get rid of the negative program without working off someone else’s Karma.
Even if this item, for example, was stolen by thieves and then thrown away so as not to get caught by law enforcement, the item is negative. It contains the negative energy of the owner, who experiences a range of negative emotions about the stolen item. Even if this thing is really lost, the effect is the same. The owner experiences negative emotions, curses the Share and the person who received this thing dear to him. By taking it for yourself, you receive an unpleasant bonus in the form of someone else’s negativity.
In most cases, such things, especially attractive banknote denominations (dollars, hryvnias, etc.), lying at a bus stop or under a bench at your entrance, are a discount. Things and money that lie at crossroads in the forest, at a temple, at a temple, in a market, in a cemetery, etc. 100% discount! Always remember this!
So what to do, you ask me? Yes, very simple! If the thing, money, coins are not yours, then you should not pick them up! Just pass by, go around. Yes, greed may well up inside you and the thought will appear that all this is a superstition, that the thing can be cleaned... This is how the program works, which is designed to find a victim. Don't look at this! Work through your greed if such thoughts arise, because this is a provocation of the Universe, a test of your vices. You don't want to create a karmic lesson for yourself, do you?!
You may have a question: “How can this be, since the homeless and all sorts of marginalized people take nothing for them?” Yes, they have nothing, because they have no special rights in this World, except the right to life. Often such people are carcasses for Entities and Low-Frequency Beings (sometimes with substitution) and act as “Pechkin’s postman,” so to speak. There is no place to demote their rights, and so they demoted them, they have nothing special to lose, and yes, the Entities will always save their “food”.
Что касается подкладка под Вашим жилищем или рабочим офисом, если Вы видите, что такие вещи подбросили на Вашем пути работа — дом, тогда постарайтесь их убрать, не прикасаясь голыми руками к данным предметам. Например, возьмите палку и полиэтиленовый пакет или ненужный веник и совок, соберите это всё и отнесите на свалку (мусорный бак) с откупными монетами. Оставьте это всё там, сказав:
“From who it came to who it went! Whoever brought it took it back! Let it be so!"
Just, I emphasize once again, do not touch this with your hands, do not step on it with your feet, and do not step over these objects!
Take care of yourself and your living space!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita!