“Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy whatever she liked... Margarita Nikolaevna never touched a primus stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a shared apartment. In a word... was she happy? Not one minute!..

Elena Bulgakova

Elena Bulgakova

Gods, my gods! What did this woman, in whose eyes some kind of incomprehensible light always burned, need, what did this witch, slightly squinting in one eye, need, who then decorated herself with mimosas in the spring?..

“I’ll tell you a story,” Margarita began, placing her hot hand on her shorn head. “There was an aunt in the world. And she had no children, and no happiness at all. And so at first she cried a lot, and then she became angry…”

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

It was not for nothing that I used these fragments from the novel by the famous writer as an epigraph to this article. Nowadays, there is an extremely distorted concept of who Witches are and what they can do, which is extremely distorted by popular speculation, Western cinema, fiction and the “practitioners” themselves.

First, let's look at the etymology of this word.

"Witch" is a word that consists of two combined words: "to know", i.e. to know, to possess secret knowledge, and "mother", as a woman in the middle phase of her life cycle, who already has offspring.

As you already understand, a Witch is an ordinary person with specific properties of the mind (consciousness). They are just as mortal, they get sick, they experience emotions just like ordinary people. And, of course, no one flies on any brooms or mops! These are all fairy tales!

Witches are women with highly developed intuition, a sharp analytical mind and a strong energy field. Moreover, they may or may not have psychic abilities. Some of them can contact the World of the Dead, some cannot. They often have the ability to “clearly know” and are able to work with thought forms.

Witches are usually good at mantic systems (playing cards, tarot, pendulum, etc.) and can foresee the future.


For the most part, Witches are pagans of various traditions and cults. Often, many of them do not want to deal with the Christian egregor (remember the very “holy” Inquisition) or other religious systems. Many live through more than their first incarnation and even remember, if unlucky, their own execution (some are shown in a dream at the age of 14).

But it should be remembered that all Witches are double-dealers. They can do both Good and Evil, it all depends on the “Code” and their own beliefs. Among the Witches there are destructive people, but this is more about moral qualities than about the fact that she is a Witch.

And their characteristic feature is femininity, femininity, severity and self-sufficiency. Most Witches are very proud women who will not scatter their attention on just anyone, and will also not lead a promiscuous sex life. So if among your acquaintances there is a person who calls herself a Witch, but at the same time the young lady is a bit of a slander, then this is not a true Witch, but more of a PR and a search for extra attention to her person. Witches, of course, are not nuns, but they will not sleep with just anyone, protecting their energy field.

Genocide of the “holy” Inquisition

It is no secret that in the past in medieval Europe, tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of women were burned at the stake on charges of witchcraft, sometimes absolutely far-fetched by people in power. Under torture, women naturally confessed to anything, even if they had nothing to do with magic, and it was mostly ordinary women who were executed. After all, practicing Witches and Sorcerers used secret knowledge and created confusion in order to hide. Sometimes they were caught, tortured, squeezed out of them all the knowledge and executed. By the way, there were also practitioners among the inquisitors, although this is hidden. And all secret knowledge was confiscated in this way and used by the inquisitors themselves, because they could have been “provided by God.” And ordinary people had to be dark, blindly listen to orders, live in a herd mentality and recognize themselves as slaves of the system.

Accusation of witchcraft and the status of a Witch in those troubled times could be obtained for banal things, for example, some official or God forbid a priest experienced a strong sexual attraction, and the woman refused him or did not refuse him... it doesn’t matter anymore. The logic of patriarchal society was simple: “bewitched”, which means a Witch, and, therefore, go to the fire.


First of all, beautiful and intelligent women were exterminated. They could be executed for having red hair, green eyes, being too thin, etc. In especially serious cases, children, especially girls, could be executed. Women were also exterminated through denunciations, when someone simply needed to get rid of a rival, take possession of someone’s property, or out of envy.

The population was set against the Witches. Any "dark" person could write a complaint because he suspected something (it seemed to him). Something happened to him (cattle died, for example, or the harvest was lost). Moreover, midwives, and those who treated with herbs, and those who were engaged in science or simply tried to create something new could fall under the "Hammer of Witches".

In a word, well, a very "holy" and "righteous" inquisition acted for the glory of the purity of faith and in the name of the Christian God. Then, of course, their "priests" publicly repented of their deeds. But this will not bring back life to the murdered and tortured women. By the way, it is precisely under the influence of guilt that magic, Wiccanism and all kinds of witchcraft are now very popular in the same Europe, and it is even considered normal to go to an occult shop to "tell fortunes" or buy an amulet for good luck.

In Rus', Witches were revered

Before the advent of Christianity in Rus', Witches were revered, because in the pagan tradition there is no concept of sin. At one time it was considered honorable to have a Witch wife, because she would protect, ward off trouble and help on the battlefield. Echoes of this tradition, in a distorted version, remain in folk tales. For example, “The Frog Princess,” the classic Ruthenian Witch. Or a later version described by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”: “They say there is a princess that you can’t take your eyes off...”.

swan princess

After the advent of Christianity, our territories also experienced troubled times and there were persecutions, but not as severe as in Europe. In later times, magic, paganism and Christianity hybridized into a kind of folk tradition. This is where the so-called Cathedral Witchcraft came from. On the territory of the Russian Empire and in the territories of the former Rus' (Ukraine), Witches felt more relaxed; they usually lived somewhere on the outskirts of a village or village, and those who were in trouble quietly came to them for help and advice.

If the Witch and the local priest did not have a strict division of the sphere of influence over the local community, then usually they did not touch each other. Sometimes, Witches could either be the mistresses of the same priests and not be touched, or pay with money (which is most often). I donated to the temple and everyone is happy. And then the parish was told that Bozhenko would forgive everyone, and the Witch came to repent, we are all not without sin, etc., so that they would not rebel.


There were cases (later times), and this still happens today, especially in the Russian Orthodox Church system, when Witches worked at churches, naturally, “in black” for the most part. You have all seen the specific grumpy grandmothers at the candlesticks near the icons, who turn over the candles, take them away or blow them out before you have time to put them on, and shout: “Father blessed me...”. They collaborate for big money with other practitioners (destructors too) and sell everything they might need for the ritual. They secretly sell many things, from unburned wedding candles to cut hair from a baby after the baptism ceremony.

In more ancient times, normal Witches were usually midwives, healers, herbalists, chiropractors, and essentially replaced medical workers for people. They also “worked” as psychologists and personal relationship consultants. After all, you won’t go to the priest to tell him that the conventional Van fell in love with the conventional Manka, and she has a husband and three children, or vice versa. The priest will immediately say: “Forget thinking, repent!” Well, and of course tell fortunes and so on.

Don't touch the Witch!

In addition to the fact that in our territories Witches were revered and actively used their services, they were also quite afraid of angering them, so for the most part they avoided their houses until it got hot.

People noticed that if you offend the Witch, then problems begin. It was even believed that an offended Witch could inflict damage or cause some kind of misfortune in revenge.

It happened, for the most part, not because the Witches are all evil or specifically performed the ritual, but because the “Code” Witch, who does not violate the Universal balance, is always under the protection of the Higher Powers, Patrons and Gods of the tradition in which she works.

Often, the Witch does not even have time to be offended before the person who is trying to spread rot, offend and infringe upon her receives a “hello” along the chain of events from those Forces and Spirits who stand behind her and protect this type of practice. These can be either Ancestral Helpers from the World of the Dead, or Nature Spirits or Local Spirits with whom she interacts. That is why communities that expelled the Witch or burned down her house always suffered a “curse.” For example, after a while, the entire village burned down, or the entire harvest was destroyed by rain, or it was flooded by rain after a storm, the death of livestock, etc. And it was not so much the Witch herself who cursed people, but rather the revenge of the Spirits of the Area and the Forces of Nature, to whom she carried offerings and with the help of which she maintained balance.

Therefore, for a long time there was an unspoken rule among the people: "Don't touch the Witch!" They preferred to contact them in extreme cases of urgent need, when help was needed. And they tried to pay him off right away, to appease him. This is where the opinion comes from that “real healers” do not take money, but take food and things. It’s just that barter exchange was more common in those days. Although, those who could afford it paid in money, of course.

Bewitched, Witch!

I’ll say a few words for men, because for the most part these are their myths, fears and beliefs. Many are afraid that they will be lassoed, ringed and married to themselves and generally turned into a heel and a slave for their desires, etc.

Let me remind you once again, Witches are very self-sufficient individuals, sometimes with a hint of feminism. And this is not because they do not respect all men! Rather, because they respect themselves! The number typical of most modern men (not all, mostly of Soviet and post-Soviet upbringing), to treat to dinner or coffee for "sleeping" with such a woman will not work! And if the offended man, after all, he spent money ... Starts to make claims that now you are directly obliged to give me sex, because he tried so hard and we have already met twice ...


The True Witch will act out quite subtly and intellectually. The character will be refunded the money spent, and sometimes she will also leave a tip, so as not to be sad (even if she has an urgent problem with money at the moment). And then she will leave with her head held high and this man will be blocked, she will not spend another second of her life on him. The witch will do everything that the character can no longer get into her personal space. The man may even be happy about the first, because not only did he not spend money, but he also earned money. Yes, he will never understand that this was an act of self-affirmation and that the character was spat in the face in the most literal sense of the word. And then the most interesting thing will begin... When this man goes through the next slenders and frightened women who, out of loneliness, are ready to give themselves up for food, devaluing these women, that same Witch will stand before his eyes. Did the Witch bewitch him? No! She won't even remember him. Why does she need a person living in consumerism?! Why would she waste time on a man who tried to buy her as a thing, and even for such a cheap price, cheaper than the services of a prostitute?! But purely on a psychological level, in a man’s subconscious, this Witch will become an ideal, he may fall in love with her. And the man will then walk around and tell everyone tales that he was bewitched. By the way, a truly bewitched person becomes a weak-willed slave who does not realize that he is bewitched!

Margarita the witch

The second point, since true Witches value and respect themselves very much, they will not cast a love spell on a man with whom they plan to build a relationship out of principle. Firstly, they know that this is a ritual to suppress the Will and a person will cease to be an individual, but will become a weak-willed slave, which is not interesting! Secondly, a love spell has consequences, including those affecting the man’s psyche and his sexual and reproductive functions, but why does she need a sick psycho?! Thirdly, casting a love spell is the same as admitting one’s own powerlessness, and Witches, even without a love spell, consider themselves attractive and smart enough to please men. They don't have problems with low self-esteem! And they also do not fall into psychological codependency. Because any dependence is a weakness, and a magical practitioner should not have dependencies, otherwise it is a weak point through which another practitioner can break through him!

witch energy

And finally, the most interesting thing. True Witches attract men's attention through their energy, charisma, intelligence and a super-pumped second lower chakra, which is responsible for sexuality. These are quite active women with an increased libido and men feel it, so they are drawn to them. The ovaries of such a woman emit a more powerful impulse, to which most healthy men respond. And even if outwardly she is not a super beauty, men will be drawn to her unconsciously due to the sexual energy that surrounds her. And if someone manages to sleep with a Witch, then ordinary women then seem different to him. This is where the myths come from that the Witch bewitched, and bewitched ... Often, these women do nothing at all and behind them there is a "dog wedding" of men who want to "warm up" by her fire. Plus, the Witch does not scatter herself, does not change sexual partners with enviable regularity. She does not throw away her energy, unlike stupid scared women who sleep with anyone "for health", and then get not only a bunch of diseases (the most rosy one is thrush), but also a breakdown in energy. For men, such women look shabby, and then they are treated as cheap things. Therefore, dear ladies, value and respect yourself and you will be happy! If you really can't sit still, better buy yourself some amazing thing in the nearest sex shop!

The modern "image" of the Witch

The modern image of the Witch in society has developed from a hybrid of literature, films and various myths and legends. All sorts of promoted participants in the show, like the “Battle of Psychics,” added fuel to the fire. Now on the Internet every third fortune teller and sorceress and Witch too. And half of these people have nothing to do with magic, and the remaining part is engaged in PR itself and the desire to stand out from the rest due to a bright image.

Halliwell sisters

Halliwell sisters

Therefore, most people are subject to a distorted idea of who Witches are, what they do and what they can do in the field of magic. I’ll give you a couple of examples and debunk a few myths. If you have read this part of the article, then the topic is very interesting to you.

In the late nineties, a foreign series about three sisters of Witches was popular "Charmed" in Ukraine it was called "All women are witches". And although the directors took a lot from Western demonology and there is some occult knowledge, for the most part the series is fiction. Of course, real Witches do not have any “active powers” such as freezing space or throwing objects with Willpower!


Rowena MacLeod

Rowena MacLeod

The next striking image of the Witch was presented in an equally famous and popular foreign series, which was filmed over the course of fifteen years "Supernatural", in Russian version "Supernatural". There, in the form of a super powerful Witch, the heroine appears before us, whose name was Rowena MacLeod, mother of the King of Hell Fergus/Crowley. The series is built on an occult concept, seasoned with many adequate principles in magic and is based mostly on magic "Keys of Solomon". The myth in the image of the Witch is her immortality, invulnerability and the ability to resurrect, because she had special witch bags sewn into her body that protected her. Of course, Witches are ordinary mortal people who get sick and die.

F/u "Viy" 1967

F/u "Viy" 1967

I cannot help but mention here the “masterpiece” of Soviet cinematography from the Mosfilm studio in 1967, based on N.V. Golol "Viy". The film, like the literary work itself, has a rather scary plot. Bursak Khoma Brut stays overnight with a woman who turns out to be a “Witch”. The myth here is the resurrection of Pannochka, flying on coffins and all sorts of evil spirits in the temple during the funeral service. And also a myth, the moment that she, as a werewolf, changed her identity from an old woman to a young beauty. In real life this is impossible, of course! There's a hint of other bad things going on here. Khoma Brut slept with a girl and killed her. Since fornication is a sin, his mind justifies his act by saying that the woman turned out to be a “Witch” and “bewitched” him. Khoma Brut experiences a strong feeling of guilt and fear for what he has done. Plus, some types of incense have a narcotic effect and can cause an altered state of consciousness and hallucinations. Naturally, the character, under the influence of substances, feelings of guilt and strict religious beliefs, was left alone in the temple at night and saw monsters, devils and flying coffins.

The newfangled shows and their “stars” are also a myth: Black, White, Gray-Crimson and God knows what other Witches. Let me remind you that there are no flowers in magic, and true Witches are double-dealers. Everything else is a desire to stand out from others and ordinary PR.

But as for the expression "Witches Never Age", there is some truth here. Firstly, these women take care and look after themselves. Secondly, their energy exchange and metabolism in the body works normally. Thirdly, they often have good genetic inheritance and this is more a biological property of the body than the magic used.

I hope this article was useful and interesting to you!

May the force be with us!

Best regards, Margarita!

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