This holiday is closer to us, because our ancestors were Slavic pagans, and modern neo-pagans celebrate it to this day, continuing the traditions of our ancestors. In Western tradition, Samhain (Samhain) is celebrated on this day, as well as the famous Halloween.
In our tradition, this is also more about a day dedicated to the World of the Dead, Spirits and magic in general, as well as working with the Family (including deceased Ancestors).
Note: It is believed that the horned god Veles, the patron of the Forest, livestock and worldly goods, on this night changes his hypostasis to Karachun (Winter Veles), and Mara, the goddess of Death and Winter, takes over her possessions on Earth. From this moment, Nature falls asleep in Dead Sleep until the arrival of Maslenitsa, when the effigy of Mary is burned, opening a portal for her to the World of the Dead, so that she leaves, and Nature comes to life with new strength (resurrected).

Iyaginya (Baba Yaga)
An interesting fact is that in some regions, Slavic pagans buried their relatives in the Forest (especially in swampy areas), building for this purpose wooden crypts on high stumps, known to us from fairy tales as huts on chicken legs.
Among some Slavic pagans, the Forest was also considered a portal to the World of the Dead. And the well-known Baba Yaga, the bone leg - the Guardian of the transition between the World of the Living and the World of the Dead, lived in the Forest in such a hut. That is, in essence, she was half dead, half alive. Which suggests the conclusion that there are echoes of the Scandinavian tradition with a reference to the Goddess of Death Hel, in which the image of Hel is somewhat similar to Baba Yaga with the only difference that in our country the World of the Dead was ruled by the Goddess of Winter Mara. Simply put, we divided the collective image of Hel and her functions into two deities: Mara and Iyagin (Baba Yaga).
But the image of Veles (Karachun) after the adoption of Christianity formed the basis for the image of the Evil Spirit of the so-called devils. Although he had nothing to do with the devils. Because he was a bestial god, he was depicted as a horned old man in a bearskin. Christianity turned him into a prototype of the Devil or the Devil.
Veles, like the Scandinavian Odin, is the patron of magic, witchcraft and all witchcraft.
The second (winter hypostasis) of Veles (Karachun) transformed into the kind Father Frost (born Morzle), who was by no means such a kind creature in his hypostasis in the winter.
Karachun (born Morzle) guarded the Forest in winter, sent snow, blizzards and frosts, and could even freeze uninvited guests who came to the Forest to death. Some nationalities on the territory of modern Russia made bloody sacrifices to him, they could sacrifice a person, take him into the Forest and tie him to a pine tree, where they left the victim to be torn to pieces by wild animals as a gift to Morzle.

Karachun (Morzle)
Remember the fairy tale “Morozko”, this tradition is actually mentioned there. Also a New Year tree decorated with garlands, where do you think? That's right, the altar on which hung everything that was left of the sacrifice. The victim (a person) was bullied by wild hungry animals in the winter Forest.
No such bloody traditions have been observed on the territory of Rus' (Ukraine). It was believed that Karachun, namely in some regions, he was so called in winter, was the guardian of the Winter Forest, into which one should not go unnecessarily and disturb its Spirits.
What is special about Veles' night?

In ancient times, the Family and deceased ancestors were revered on this day. Just as on Kolyada (the modern Old New Year) and Krasnogor (the modern Memorial Saturday after Easter), they treated the dead, literally calling on the Spirits of the dead to share the festive meal with them. To do this, additional plates of food for the Dead were placed at the table.
Naturally, no one ate this food. They left it overnight so that the Dead could come and take all the energy out of the food for themselves. Such food was considered dead and was subsequently given to animals to eat.
On this night it was possible to ask for help from the Spirits of the Ancestors, to enlist the support of the Family and the Family System.
And of course, as in Kolyada, during the Christmastide period they told fortunes, performed specific rituals and were involved in all sorts of magical matters (people who were associated with magic: witches, sorcerers, etc.)
Features of Veles Night in 2023
On this day, the Waning Moon will be in the sign Gemini at the age of 17 lunar day, sunrise at 17:40, sunset at 11:24 (Kyiv time).
Length of day 9 hours 49 minutes 51 seconds.
The sun will be in the sign of Scorpio, sunrise at 6:48, sunset at 16:36 (Kyiv time).
The planets will be visible: Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
The night of Veles in 2023 falls on Tuesday, the day of Mars.
Day Mars is good for ending conflict situations with the help of magic, striking back, kicking back and forth, fighting enemies, and restoring Universal Justice.
This year, on the eve of the Veles night, the period of the eclipse corridor ends, which indicates a transition to a new level and the completion of karmic lessons, as well as the beginning of a new nine-year cycle!
We also remember that Veles Night is the Day of the World of the Dead, so on this holiday you can work with the Ancestral Systems and the World of the Dead in principle. Working with Spirits and spiritualistic seances will work well.
Note: If you are not strong in churchyard magic (beginner, amateur), then I do not recommend you to use works with the World of the Dead, Spirits, and the dead!
On this day, I recommend visiting the graves of deceased relatives and leaving memorials there, and bringing gifts and offerings to the Host and Mistress.
Saturn's hours on this day will be most suitable for working with the World of the Dead and the dead.
I also remind you that Tuesday Mars Day is a day of working with such deities as Mars, Tyr (Tiv) and Lilith.
Plants of the day: holly, snapdragon, thistle.
Tarot cards that correspond to Tuesday: Five of Wands, Six of Wands and Strength.
I wish you successful magical practice and all the best!
Best regards, Margarita!
May the force be with us!
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