Many people think that it is something scary, difficult or sinister. This is mistake! In this article we will understand the essence of the issue. In fact, magic is a whole science that is rejected by official modern science.
Some people claim that magic doesn't exist! But look around carefully, and you will discover that everything that surrounds you is magic. After all, magic is not only ritualism and rituals, oh no! Magic is a process of creation. Any creativity, any embodiment of an idea that changes the world and space around is already magic.
In this article I will not plunge into the jungle of history, I will only say that in ancient times magic and science were one whole, and people did not separate the material and the spiritual. For example, doctors and healers previously treated not only the body, as modern medicine does, but also the soul. This does not mean that today in the modern world you need to run headlong to healers and pseudo-magicians, who, unfortunately, are the majority and are completely ignored by medical workers. This is silly! Everyone must do their job! Science does not stand still and positive symbiosis is always more effective. Just remember that if you treat only the body and deny the soul, your problems will not go away and it will turn into an endless process of visiting doctors. By removing the causes on the spiritual and energetic levels, you will speed up the healing process of the physical body.
After the Christian egregor gained control over most of the world (and he is one of the largest egregors), everything connected with ancient knowledge and magic, witchcraft received a sharply negative connotation and is automatically attributed to Evil, and sometimes to Satanism, although this is far away not this way. For those who are not yet in the subject, I’ll go ahead and say that Satanism is a black part of the same Christian egregor. Magic and ancient knowledge have become “outlawed,” so to speak, although Christians themselves use magical principles very well in rites and rituals, but as they say, “the same thing.”
This is where the tradition arose of calling everything that does not fit the officially recognized canon a sin and condemning it. Although, if anyone has read the Bible carefully, they know that Jesus does not say a word about magic being a sin. Moreover, in one of the holy scriptures there is a story that he himself was accused of witchcraft and communication with Beelzebub by the then high priests because he performed miracles and healed people, which undermined the authority of the latter.

The truth is somewhere near…
So what is magic?
This is a system of knowledge and skills to manage processes that can change the environment. The word itself carries the meaning: “My essence moves matter.”
The Mind of the Magician, with its Will, is capable of changing the world, first at the energy and information level, and, as a consequence, at the physical level later. After all, one of the ancient occult postulates says: “Everything that is above is like what is below! And what is below is like what is above!”
How to understand this phrase? And it's very simple! The energy and information plane influences the physical world. If the Magician makes changes at the energy and information level, this will certainly entail changes at the physical level too. And now think and feel the difference between the consciousness of a slave (of God), who is forbidden to do everything, including thinking, calling it a sin, and the consciousness of a Magician, who is free to make decisions himself and bear responsibility for them, the space around him. Have you already understood why everything related to magic is prohibited, condemned and ridiculed?!
Colors in magic are a separate conversation. Here, in search of clients, every new guru is cast out as he wants! There is so much to be found on the Internet! And white, and black, and gray, etc., etc. ... but you came here to study and gain true knowledge, didn’t you?! Therefore, let's figure it out right away and understand with you that magic DOES NOT HAVE!!! colors.
Magic is a process, a tool, knowledge in the hands of a Magician! There are many movements and traditions in magic, and there are also several paths: let creation (spiritual, conventionally white), the path of destruction (destructive influences), the path of justice (fair punishment, conventionally black). And only the Will of the Magician, his goals and his actions will determine whether he commits GOOD or EVIL.
Therefore, dear students, because you came here to learn, remember that the result will depend on you, your Will, your goals and your actions, namely whether you will remain a weak-willed slave or become a Magician, the Creator of your life!
And the first thing you should start on your path to magic is getting rid of unnecessary beliefs, postulates and algorithms in your subconscious that prevent you from leaving a slave state, preventing you from ceasing to be a cog in a system that only uses your resource and steals your time life and gives you practically nothing in return.
Understand for yourself that there is no knowledge that you do not need! All knowledge of the world, to one degree or another, contains at least a small, but still magical grain of creation, you just have to learn to see it, understand it and apply it to realize your goals.
Studying magic and becoming a Magician is not something shameful, terrible or sinful, as the system puts it into your head, but a path to freedom, gaining the right to manage your own life and control your own Destiny!
May the force be with us!
Best regards, Margarita.
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